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I started learning 3D in 2020 when I discovered Blender and the huge amount of tutorials on the web. In 2022 I attended the 3D masterclass at Skyup Academy, studying the basics and deepening the various aspects of the VFX pipeline. Now I'm practicing what I've learned, continuing to study on my own in order to get the right skills to make the first step into the industry

Since I was a little girl in my tight cocoon I knew I wanted to do something in the Vgame/Movie field. Despite my strong passion for the 3D world, for many reasons, I decided to choose a different path studying Languages & International Cooperation. Fortunately, after 2 degrees and a lot of courage I matured and I took the decision to change my life’s path becoming a Chamaleon 3D artist (Texture/Grooming). Hope you can enjoy my works as I do, Respect and love

Back in high school I always enjoyed doing little stick figure animations and stop motion videos, and I thought it would be great to be able to make a living out of something like that. So I started studying an Animation and VFX degree, and that's where I fell in love with 3D and realized I'd always had a hidden passion for cinema and visual effects.

The first time I approached the world of 3d I was surprised by the freedom of being able to create anything, from that moment on I never stopped studying new things related to this world in order to improve more and more and have the possibility of transforming this in a job

As far as I remember, I was always interested in art, especially drawing.Since high school, I became more and more fascinated with the 3D industry and I felt that this was where I wanted to work.

I have always loved videogames, cinema, cartoons and animations since I was very young, I realized I wanted to work in the world of CGI when I started to understand the vast universe of the 3D world.

I realized for the very first time that i wanted to work in the industry thanks to the first Ratchet and Clank game this game is one of my favorite game and i was Always passionate with it and it was in 2018 that I had the chance to do a professional retraining and to have hopes to work in the video games industry that fascinate me since Always

I've been the art kid since I was in kindergarten, I love drawing everything around me. Moving on I became a self learn character concept artist until I realized there was too many competition around it and I need a job.. Which then I realized that 3D has more job offers and I actually enjoy it as well! especially in texturing. And from there I've always dream of working in big companies for big movies and I'll tell myself that one day, one day, my name will be at the end of Marvel end credits.

I have always been attracted to the artistic world, to creativity. Although it is true that I started like any other little child, with pencil and paper, I abandoned the practice in my adolescence. However, the creative vein always remained in me, awakening again 4 years ago when I started drawing again, which led me to become interested in the world of 3D and learn about i Starting to learn about this industry only continues to awaken in me more desire to progress and improve my skills.

I am a 3d Generalist with a special passion for environments and procedural materials.

I started in 2015 to enter the world of 3d with 3d printers.. in 2019 I started studying digital sculpture and I started to fall in love with realistic 3D.. in 2022 I Complete a CGI masterclass

I've always been fascinated by movies and cartoons since I was a kid. During the lockdown, I had to start thinking about what I wanted to study after high school: one day, I was watching a Pixar documentary and I was so moved that in that exact moment I new I wanted to be part of the industry for the rest of my life. I'm very young, but I'm so exited to start this journey and see where I'll bring me to!

I have been experimenting various art forms over the years, but I fell in love with 3D modeling and texturing in 2021.

After school, I started studying Game Engineering in Kempten but quickly switched to Animation & Game in Darmstadt after one year to go more into the digital art direction. During my Bachelors there, I dipped my toes into the VFX Industry while interning at TRIXTER VFX. After graduating, I am doing my diploma at Filmakademie Ludwigsburg to further expand my skillset into the animation & VFX direction.

I spend some years doing a job that I didn't like and I realize I wanted to do something more creative. So I tried CG and here I am, fresh and shiny, like a pineapple juice

My journey to creative digital media started in 2014, and I discovered 3D is fascinating. In 2016 I decided to take the significant step forward to learn 3D through interactive online courses (Animschool). It was an unforgettable year of experience, and I delved into the depth by journeying through many other online platforms.

I grew up with Movies and games. They were always my biggest motivation and inspiration. To be part of entertainment industry, I studied fine art to develop my sense of traditional art and after many years of study, I really wanted to use this art skills in 3D World so that I can widen the artistic boundary and be more creative. The combination of art and technology stole my heart. And until now, I really love creating 3D art works and dream to work in this industry.

The path my brother took inspired me to chase digital art. The idea of creating objects and environments, really, whatever you think of, made me love and pursue 3D modeling.

After completing my higher secondary education started preparing for govt art college entrance exam then I came to know about digital media, then joined Arena Animation to learn-explore-work in the media and entertainment industry.