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I started committing to an artistic path when I was in my last year of High School. I had worked on my art on the side outside of school and taught myself the fundamentals of digital illustration. I eventually wanted to branch out my skillset so I enrolled into animation school. I also have a social media account with 30K+ followers in which I post work, sell prints and stickers as well as work on commissions.

Games have always been a great passion of mine, I attended a graphic design school in Italy, I knew I wanted to continue my studies and go to a University, so I decided to try and combine my passion of Video Games and Design.

In 2017 I decided to watch the entire Harry Potter saga again after many years of not watching it. From that moment, as if by magic, memories and emotions awakened in me that led me to love cinema in its entirety and, more specifically, the visual effects sector. So I decided to pursue this path...

Growing up and watching my siblings draw always inspired me.

I was 9 and a science fair, Ipad camera app told me that my toys could be movies! I haven't stopped.

I have been interested in art and creatives since I could hold a pen, but I first discovered the joys of animation when I was 11 and have been learning how to animate by myself since then. I am currently in my second year of university at Escape Studios where I have decided to study 2D animation, after years of self learned animation I have been eager to learn from professionals and learn the ropes in industry standard software.

Having previously worked as an industrial designer and model maker for many years, I realized that my true calling was in the video game industry; the passion for this industry has followed me since I was a kid, so much so that I took the leap and started this new exciting path.

For most of my life I've loved the idea of creating media for other people to enjoy, so this seemed like a natural direction for me to head in! Also as a man who has loved video games for over 15 years, luckily stumbling into a game design presentation at college captivated me and I've been striving to become a full time game artist since!

When I was in secondary school doing my GCSE'S, I had taken Graphics. I really enjoyed the time I was in class and from there I wanted to work in the creative media industry.

VFX (3D) Master graduate from Escape Studios in London, I started my journey in the animation environment back in 2014 when I was introduced to an ‘Animation and Games design’ course and fell in love with 3D. From the beginning I have been involved in every single step of the Animation/VFX pipeline from creating illustrations to compositing the final outcomes, but I specifically enjoy creating realistic hard surface models and texturing them.

I was working on computer science assignments and studying physics when i realised while learning 3DsMax that I'm pretty good at it and i thoroughly enjoy it and want to learn more. Then i started learning more about 3D at home and in time started researching what university I wanna go to and 3D was the only real path i wanted to go down.

I've always been drawing and painting since I was 9/10 years old and I knew already at that time that I wanted to pursue in a creative field. I discovered 3D and real-time engine (video game production) 5/6 years ago and I knew I wanted to work in the video game. I love that we can interact in the game and create our own story and I love making beautiful environments where you can start to see yourself in it.

It is much less of a realisation of wanting to work in the creative industries but the niche I leaned into. Plus, seeing the product of my creativity feels quite rewarding. And to be completely honest, working on animated series or animated film would super cool in my eyes, but I also like to dream of selling traditional art. Paintings, pottery, handcrafts, those really make me happy.

I have consistently found fulfilment in crafting something unique from scratch. From engaging with various forms of visual media such as gaming, illustrations, animation, etc., I've cherished a desire to contribute back to the sources that have brought me joy.

It was in secondary school when I started dabbling in art and I realized that I enjoyed it a lot , Once I realized this I slowly spent more time doing art until I ended up where I am now.

During secondary school around year 10 I discovered the character design career path and additionally my passion for it!

When I started course study in Art, Design & Media at East Surrey College, I decided I wanted to work as an animator. I worked hard to complete my course in 3 levels of Art, Design and Media, and ICT Level 2. I then studied Animation at Southampton Solent University as a student and graduated in 2015. I started applying for jobs in creative industries but with luck, except for voluntary work as an AnimationDesigner/Creator for an Audio-Design Student, which I completed.

There was never a singular moment when I wanted to do something creative. I simply started having animation ideas for things that I wanted to create. I decided that the only way I'd be able to share them to the quality I wanted was if I committed myself to Animation and learned everything from the ground up. Both self-taught and professionally.

I was inspired by videogames growing up and after graduating university with a Bachelors in Photography I began to be interested in lighting, photography and set dressing within Unreal.

I first realised I wanted to work in the entertainment industry after binge-watching many behind-the-scenes videos. I wasn't particularly interested in any particular area, I was just fascinated by the whole process. At the time, I was looking to begin a career in graphic design but I always felt it wasn't enough. With an interest in the film industry I decided to pursue a career in VFX.

As a kid, playing around with debug mode in Sonic 2 and playing Halo 2 and Fable had me wondering how the visuals of games were made. I had an "eureka" moment when I first tried 3Ds Max in a 3D animation high school course. From then, I was hooked and became a self taught 3D artist as went to college to focus on fine art since there was no games courses in my country . I spent 7 years doing small gigs as a 3D artist (not in games/VFX) teaching the basics of 3D to kids and learning Drawing.

I first realised I wanted to work in Creative Media and Entertainment Industry in January of 2020 after enjoying 3D modelling more in CAD, and wanting to model more sophisticated and creative concepts for futuristic objects. This led to a lot of studying and practise in many creative forms, like drawing, 2D/3D animation and 3D modelling. Through lots of projects I've come to enjoy Animation the most, whether in 2D or 3D mediums. I am currently working towards improving my 3D animation skills!