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I was always interested in arts and 3D works since quite my early years. I started learning 3D back in 2010. Now, my sole aim and interest is to emerge out as a very good Character Artist.

I have been a contemporary artist for the past decade (Sculpture, undergraduate) and whilst I have always loved and played games I did not really ever consider myself capable of making them, just purely from a technical standpoint. I went to a game jam in 2014 that opened my eyes to game development, even if I was terrible :P, but that was an important experience and I loved it! Since then my fine art practice became more and more digital, resulting in a split-screen game for my masters thesis.

This has always been the path I wanted to go into, I took a digital visualization course in high school and was hooked. Life happened and ultimately I had to forge a different path, but now I am back to working on this dream!

In Kindergarten I already loved loved colors, drawing, painting, dancing, acting, watching movies, reading books, and I was fulfilled with fantasy and creative energy. As long as I can remember, I always dreamed of a career as an artist!

Since I was a kid I always know that I want to work in Creative industries, I was passionate with drawing while being a kid and after discover the animated series ''Beware the Batman'' I know that I wanted to be a 3d Artist and wanted to work in Game/VFX industry. I attempted College, did a Bachelor at UQAC-NAD and also a Mentorship at Vertex School INC to pursue my dream carreer

I´ve always wanted to be creative and work with my passions.

I've always loved creating things, but I began taking these interests more seriously in 2023

Whenever someone asked me who I wanted to become as a child, I would always respond: an Artist! After high school my path took me towards architecture and I studied and worked within the field for a few years. I felt I needed to pursue a more creative field and here I am, exploring the exciting world of 3D art!

Born at a young age, I knew from the start I wanted to make videogames.

I have always wanted to work for games even at a young age. However I never really knew how to approach it. The adults in my life growing up were knew nothing about art and code so a lot of it was trying to find my own way into it. I went to college for Game Development and fell in love with 3D art. Just the pure joy if sculpting something and having a 2D character or object come to life makes me extremely happy. After college I continued to expand my education by enrolling in the Vertex School

I was doing my bachelor back in the days as a graphic designer/ multimedia artist. We had our first touch with 3D modelling in a course at that time being. I fall in love with it immediately. I started learning new stuff by myself and by time i graduated, i joined Vertex to expand my skills.

When I was 7 years old I began to start drawing and used media as an escape

I have always wanted to create unique environments but just never understood how. What truly motivated me to learn all of the different 3D software pipelines was a quote by pwnsher on youtube, "If you can think it, you can create it." I have been incredibly focused and motivated on my goal of creating unique photo-realistic environments ever since.

I've wanted to be working on the creative side of the video game industry forever, since I was a kid.

Its literally all I've ever wanted to do. I grew up reading comics and wanting to draw them. Eventually it matured into 3D production.

I realized it in Highschool, but at the time resources were sparse and I instead focused on Fine Arts (Painting) for my BA. And got distracted with that a bit, but also worked as a Game Tester so it was a lot of technically working in the industry, but also not doing what I was passionate about and I am hoping to bridge the two now.

As a teenager growing up in Alaska, my friends and I would often visit a local abandoned goldmine in the mountains with only our poetry and some youthful yearnings, we let our dreams run wild across the muskegg , the arctic shrubs and they didn't stop until they took flight. We watched them fly as silhouettes on the horizon never looking back to see the valley below where they had been nurtured by hard cold winters, untold stories and hope so bright it could light up the night sky.

I never thought about working in this industry until I got into university, majoring in Animation and Visual Effects. I was shocked during the first lesson of Maya. It was my first time to know I could actually create whatever I wanted in the world of 3D. Since then, I know I want to be in this industry.

When I was at school I found a video on youtube about how Shrek was made and was blown away by it. In the video they mentioned Maya! And that's how it started)

Years ago I fell in love with image making. Inspired by older films and photography, I started paying attention to Lighting , props and the environments. It has been my instinct that has lead me to creating in 3D. I have years of experience in Photography , set building and prop making. It felt only natural to bring my skills into the 3D world.

When i was finishing school and i knew i want to do something else, something creative

My family is My family is a very creative / artsy one. This helped me grow as an artist since the early years of my life, and to give me the confidence to live from art. But it wasn't until the recent years, while studying 2D Animation, that i discovered the 3D art world. This discovery made perfect sense because of how much I love learning about cutting edge technology, and how this relates with the 3D world.

Traditional art and video games have been my first love from a very young age. I would say it was playing the first God of War title for the PS2 when I truly began to pay attention to the artist side of gaming. I couldn't help but just stop and stare at the various environments in amazement, wondering how they did it. From that point on, especially as technology continued to improve, I knew I wanted to explore digital 3D art.