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I have always been fascinated by the world of CG, be it film or video game, but in 2018, I decided that I wanted to work in this field.

I knew I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry in my senior year in high school

I have had a huge interest in the 3D creative field for 2 years now. I want to move a step forward to pursue my dreams.

It has been my dream since I was a teenager. In my twenties I became a tattoo artist. I was tattooing for almost 13 years, but never gave up on my dream, to create characters for living. Now I know, I have too more ideas in my head to create, than a time to waste for anything else.

I love sci-fi and fantasy movies and video games since my childhood and I always watched with big eyes the “making of” documentaries, the way of the soutions of the visual effects that were entertaining me day by day. In 2019 April my wife found an udemy course for me and I’ve met Blender and found my passion.

When I was around 15, my cousin worked at Digic Pictures and he showed me around. Needless to say, I felt like I was in Disney-land! I would consider that as the breaking point, when I finally decided, this is what I want to do in my life.

It was around 2018 that I started developing an interest in the world of visual effects but I knew right away this would be more than just another hobby. Ever since then I've been working hard to succeed in this field.

I don't really remember the reason that pushed me to do these studies, I think it was due to the release of the first Avatar and Transformers movies. I was young and these universes that made us dream of another way of imagining ours pleased me a lot. I think I just wanted to participate in creating these visually beautiful and different things from our world.

I have always been intrested in art.My teachers always told me that I have a great eye for colors.I first started to dabble in 3d art through blender in 2016 for a few weeks I started to learn blender more indept in late 2018.And in 2019 I decide that I would like to make a career out of 3d art.

2 years ago - after doing concept and design and art direction for the web and e-learning field for 20 years - I want to make a shift now and make my passion for Houdini to my profession.

I am an artist who has been working with traditional art for several years, 3D art has always fascinated and inspired me. I gradually integrated into digital 3D modelling over time and have finally discovered my passion. My dream is to be a part of a great project, and I hope to have the opportunity to work alongside talented artists. To create an incredible game for the world to enjoy.

I have always been fascinated by VFX breakdowns. I have learned Maya on my own during college and after some years of a break, I've attended a Maya course at Mesharray. As it turned out, I enjoy creating VFX mostly (not a surprise, I'm a simulation engineer in my daily work), so I've also decided to learn Houdini at the same school. Next stop will be Nuke to complete the triad I wanted to have.

Since my childhood, but in practise 3 years ago, after a lucid dream.

When I was 9 years old I had the incredible opportunity to have my hands on the first artbook of World of Warcraft and since then I dreamed about being a part of something where I could make people feel the same magic what I felt looking at those illustrations

When i went to primeri school. For a long time i learnd graphic design but about a year ago i change my road and at the monent i learning 2d and 3d animation in Hungaryan univercity and i love it.

I first came in contact with 3D modelling after youtube recommended me a Blenderguru tutorial back in 2019 and i instantly fell in love with it. It was thanks to this that i started to learn modelling and texturing.

When i was finishing school and i knew i want to do something else, something creative

During the quarantine in 2021 I saw a Youtube video about the pipeline of a 3D cinematic trailer and it inspired me a lot.

A few years ago when I watched Iron Man 2 and I was mesmerized by the texturing of the iron suite. I said, I need to know how people can make photorealistic materials like that because I want to do that.