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Hello, I am an artist with 8 years of experience. I have been doing 3D modeling professionally for 2 years and I am currently looking for freelance work for the game and film industry.

For as long as I can remember I've always had a pencil in my hand and dreamed of making a career out of it. Before entering high school I was wondering how far my art could evolve, and I tried hard since then to get a place in art university. Work always worth, I've been admitted in art school and now I dedicate most of my time to improve my skills. In parallel of working on my portfolio, it's been few months since I began freelance commissions to approach professional industry.

I have made a superior module and now days i am coursing a basic level máster, then i Will continúe with a superior level máster, in june of this entry year i Will have a really good level to work and continúe learning when working, i like this world a lot, i spend me free time working on this , this is also a hobby for me

I realized that I wanted to do this from a very young age when I played the graphic adventures that I had at my fingertips at that time.

I went from being a boy with no aspirations, to finding my passion in the world of entertainment and finding a new world for myself.

I've been creating since the day I learned to draw. Starting in traditional arts, little by little I came to 3D. I appreciate how crafted sculpting and texturing feel. I hope to keep doing what I love and share it with other people!

On my way to becoming a 3D Character Artist

I graduated as a psychologist from University in 2012. After that, I was working as a psychologist for 1 year. In 2013 I changed my job and became an office worker at a bank. In 2019 I understood that I had to find the job of my dream. I tried programming, design, and painting. In 2020 I realized that my obsession is 3D graphics. I left my job and start to study.

For years I have been passionate about art, from oil painting and acrylics to watercolors and charcoal. Over time I moved to the digital art sector and there I realized that I really wanted to dedicate myself to that and make my passion my way of life. As a passionate about games I would really like to end up working in the sector and do what I admire the most.

Five years ago, when i was in high school I realise I wanted to combine my creativity with technology.

When i discovered the world of 3D and videogames

I have always dreamed of merging my two favorite passions: art and video games. Following my high school graduation, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, exploring various technical specialties, only to realize that they did not bring me happiness. Now, I am deeply passionate about 3D modeling. I am on a path of growth, eager to expand my knowledge, gain more experience, and share it with others.

Working as a videomaker for companies and for cinema I realized that entertainment is the best way to send a message to the public. Seeing the communicative potential in this industry, I decided to start approaching 3D graphics in order to expand the visual possibilities with which to convey the message.

I realized that in my childhood when I used to play with videogames and I loved them.

Since I discovered the 3D world, creating something impressive from almost nothing, which can impress other people and be used in collaboration with other people's work, is something that makes me happy and astonished.

I am an avid cinephile and gamer, with a strong passion for environments. This passion led me to study set design and eventually pursue a master's degree in CG at Skyup Academy, specializing in digital environments for VFX and video games. Currently, I work with software such as ZBrush, Substance Painter, Maya, and Unreal Engine 5.1. I am dedicated to continuously expanding my skills by learning new programs to create innovative and superior environments.

I suddenly fell in love with drawing

when i was a kid , i liked to read all kind of comic , so i had fun in drawing .

I've always loved storytelling, creating content for digital platforms, or distributing digitally to reach the public, all the while being diverse with various skill sets.

aspiring 3D environment artist

Watching game cinematics as a kid I realized that I wanted to do something similar, then I started to dig in the design and animation field.

From a very young age I liked to play resource management games, the graphics were not very good but it was what was there at the time and I had fun. But really when it caught my attention the most was when Avatar was released. It's amazing the quality and beauty that could be created with 3D. Although I would like to work in the video game sector, I do not close myself to anything.