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During my studies, I realized in my third year of high school that the 3d creative universe was made for me.

For as long as I can remember I've always had a pencil in my hand and dreamed of making a career out of it. Before entering high school I was wondering how far my art could evolve, and I tried hard since then to get a place in art university. Work always worth, I've been admitted in art school and now I dedicate most of my time to improve my skills. In parallel of working on my portfolio, it's been few months since I began freelance commissions to approach professional industry.

I wanted to work in the creative media for probably as long as I can remember. I, more precisely, was sure it had to be digital at age 13 when I got my first graphic tablet and learned the existence of Blender.

I've always been a creative individual. I can't even recall when I first started drawing; it's just something I've always done. I have a constant love for learning and expanding my skills. Watching 3D animations like Avengers or Big Hero 6 ignited an even stronger passion for the industry within me. While I've worked on 2D animations in the past and continue to do so, after watching those two films, I realized that I wanted to pursue that kind of work. This is why I'm currently enrolled in a 3D

I've always been passionate by movies and cartoons since I was a kid. One day, I saw the "making-off" of a movie that I liked, that's when I said to myself "that is exactly what I want to do when I grow up!"

I realized that I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry especially in concept art since I begin to draw in the goal to create something new. I love telling stories through my illustrations.

I have been a fan of animated art for as long as I can remember, and especially animated 3D films.

I started to take an interest in the 3D world in 2015. I have been learning it for 2 years now.

During my childhood, I often played video games with my parents, very quickly I got hooked on the license "The legends of zelda" and I became interested in their realization and their operation, it is later by seeing many concept art of video games that I decided to go inside.

I've been passionate about video games since I was a kid, so working in game creation was quickly a professional choice.

Avant de me lancer dans l'industrie des médias créatifs, je jouais beaucoup et je me demandais qui se cachait derrière toute cette création. C'est donc grâce aux jeux que j'ai voulus découvrir les métiers de la création.

as far as I can remember

I started the 3d in prepa Artistique in the school BRASSART Nantes in autodidact. Insta : @yzokii

When I was younger I started playing video games with my family. It instantly fascinated me, exploring different universes was thrilling to me. I grew up loving the creative industry so I went studying 3D.

I started to get interested in the video games and animated film industry at the age of 13. Obviously, I already wanted to approach these areas from a very young age but without knowing how to qualify it.

I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry in higscool. I have been drawing since a long time ago and then I realise in my first year at Brassart school that I wanted to work in 3d animation and video games as a concept artist.

After highschool, I decided to enter an art school to develop my artist senses and knowledge. I am now starting my third year in BRASSART Nantes and loving it !

I have been drawing since I was born; it is my passion. Therefore, I have always wanted to find a job related to my calling. When I discovered Brassart and the 3D/VFX program, I knew right away that I wanted to work in 3D, specifically as a Character Designer/Artist.

I had always an attirance for creation I did short video and stop motion when I was young and from one thing to another i discovered editing, VFX, and finally 3D whose language/l architecture of softwares as much as the creation itself spoke to me the most

I've always loved drawing and creating things on my own. From a very young age, I had the idea of working in this environment. For me, 3d and animation were the next necessary steps for my evolution. I can express what I want people to feel with as much freedom as possible.

I've always been interest by the creative media like drawing and video but it's just since 7 years I would like to work in this industry. So after my graduate of high school, I went to Brassart, my 3D school where I'm still in today for my 5th and last year.

Since I can remember I've always had a passion for art and its derivatives.