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When I was an undergrad majoring in Mathematics & Art, I had a family friend who told me those two be combined to work in the field of 3D animation. I immediately fell in love with the idea and began researching how I could pursue a career in the animation industry.

I grew up playing games on my Playstation 2, these games consisted of ATV Offroad Fury 2 and 3, Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal and a few others. I never really thought of making games as a career and never went after it until 2016 when Player Unknowns Battlegrounds came out and I started looking into how video games were made. I started at Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design and learned the basics of how a game is made and that just made me fall in love with it even more.

When I was around 10 - 12 years old I had finished a sonic game and told myself, I wanted to make video games.

I have always liked the entertainment industry but I have not been able to work in the design part. I have had to adapt to the circumstances of my life

I first became enraptured by visual effects when I saw Star Wars at the drive-in theater with my parents (back when you had to chase the dinosaurs away from the screen so you could see the film!).

Growing up with the Nintendo 64, I realized my affinity for certain games came from how the stories were presented via their cutscenes, and I eventually found myself wanting to be a part of the creative collective of minds that made them! From there I branched out my media consumption to include other wacky, wild worlds (such as Satoshi Kon's "Paprika") and still find myself drawn to the experiences that really 'make you think.'

While I was studying graphic design at university I started teaching myself Cinema4D which I found really fun, I experimented with all sorts of renders and third-party and I realized that what I enjoyed most is 3D FX and I wanted to learn more. That inspired me to learn Houdini so when I graduated from university I decided to travel to Hollywood to learn everything about FX, at Gnomon School of Visual Effects, Games, and Animation. Graduated from the 2-year Digital production VFX animation track

When I first watched Shreka and wondered how the movie was made.

I was about 14 years old when I have seen my older cousin who was in an art program at Mt. Sierra college working with programs like Adobe Photoshop and After Effects and creating cool motion graphics. As I got older I started to learn compositing software on my own and when I met my brother in Law who was learning Autodesk Maya it really intrigued me to want to become a 3d artist and work towards building a portfolio to get into the BFA program at Gnomon. I am glad I got into the program!

I have wanted to be part of the entertainment industry ever since I was young. Moves like "The Incredibles", "Princess Mononoke", and "Predator" inspired most of my drawings and spurred me on to be an artist.

I first came to realize that I would want to make a career in the entertainment industry after watching a documentary on the behind the scenes of making a Disney film.

During My Freshman Summer Of High School, I Picked Up A Book Called "Introducing Autodesk Maya 2016". I Spent The Whole Summer Going Through This Entire Book. The Pages Flew Because What I Was Doing And Creating Was Very Addicting! I Spent About Maybe 3-5Hrs A Day That Summer Working On Completing The Book. This Was The First Time I Had Done ANYTHING Creative Where I Realized I Really Liked It, Beforehand I Had Been Practicing Programming And I Was Pretty Okay At It, But 3D Modelling Had Me!

It was like the first time I watched Jurassic Park, I was surprised and shocked by the vivid CG dinosaurs. This special experience had driven me to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.

I have been drawing monsters and creatures since I was 2 years old. Later on I realized that this hobby of mine could become my career.

I realized I wanted to start working in the entertainment industry when I first watched someone play The Last of Us.

In April of 2017 I attended an open house event at Gnomon School of Visual Effects; it was there that the school opened my eyes to the industry and the endless possibilities of what a person or studio can do. As a kid, I loved playing video games; and I also loved pursuing my passion for Digital Art. I didn't realize until then that mixing those two aspects could become a job; and I knew that I found my calling.

After discovering that I still enjoy designing and animating characters throughout college.

Since I was little...I was poor and not very good at school...being little I thought going to college was the way to follow that dream..but I was a very poor student and hated school...I laid that dream to rest....In 1995 at 25 yrs of age..I remembered my childhood dream and imagined myself working remotely on a beach making cartoons/movies with theses new 3D graphics..Never stopped pursuing since..At 49..I feel the most confident with my skill set and artistic style..just need some coordination

When I first played The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time as a child I realized the potential of games for storytelling. After trying to get into game development by studying computer science in college, I realized I preferred the design and art part of games over the programming.

The realization that I would like to work in creative media came to me three years ago, after I understood that being anybody else profession-wise, but an artist, is not my thing. I have been drawing since childhood and no way I am stopping to do it! :) So my desire to draw and express my ideas on paper(and then in 3D) brought me to this industry.

Films like Jurassic Park, Toy Story and the Star Wars prequels were ground breaking for me as a child they gave me not only an appreciation for film but also art itself and the other mediums that it can be expressed though. I grew up drawing and painting but through High school I got serious about art and researched "making of's" and concept artists working on my favorite films and I knew this was the only career I could ever see myself doing.

I grew up playing video games, and by the time I got to high school, I knew I wanted to make games. So I took all the art classes I could and eventually ended up training to be a 3D modeler and texture artist.

When I was 14 years old, I saw the animated film 'Spirited Away' by Hayao Miyazaki for the first time. That 2 hours time changed my life entirely. On the screen was another world which the director created from his imagination and I realized that I could also do that to if I became a visual artist. Since then I was so passionate about story telling through the visual such as illustration and concept art. And that lead me to where I am right now.