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I used to doodle lots of weird creatures during class in school. This was how I learned that I love to create creatures and other things that don’t exists. Later I got into a school focused on 3D-art although I had no experience in the field of game art (or 3D-art for that matter). I’ve been attending Playgroundsquad for almost a year now, and I’ve learned so much. I love creating 3D characters and aim to learn even more! One day soon I will be working professionally in the industry! I realized I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry when I was a kid growing up. I was constantly drawing all over the walls and floors. Now I'm always drawing on my tablet or sketchbook. (I still hide drawings on the walls every now and then.)

I remember getting a Game Boy Color for Christmas as a kid and was utterly mesmerized by the technology. Already then I felt like it was something I wanted to explore and work with in some way. To me, games and interactive media is the most interesting form of expression.

I was 13 years old when I did my first "FX", in After Effects CS3. I made a classic energy blast coming out of my hands. It was at this moment that I knew I wanted to work in this field. Now that I'm learning Houdini, I want more than ever to work on a VFX studio.

Since childhood I was hooked by characters in games and animations, always loved to draw them, but also create my own stories and characters. In 2019 I attended my first art event in creative industry in my country. That opened my eyes to this new possibility and so I decided to step forward. Before that I worked as freelance science illustrator working for academy researchers and scientific papers.

Since I am young. I always wanted to be an artist. I love creating universes and the freedom of creation. Being able to put thoughts and ideas into images has always fascinated me.

I like video games and modeling gives me a curious peace. I want work in the industry, in indies studios or AAA.

Always loved video games and started my journey with video editing after high school, which then made me want to seek out knowledge in Game developement.

I realized my path when I fell in love with my first ever game, Crysis 2. Since then, I always dreamed of taking part in the amazing world building that every year get in the hands of the players. The feeling of contributing in creating such works then moved me in following the specific path of the VideoGame Artist.

Since I was a little girl I've been playing video games, I've always loved being immersed in this universe and being an art lover, it was normal for me to associate digital with art.

I started modding during the pandemic and instantly fell in love with 3D art! Had I known that this was a possible career path earlier I would have perused it way earlier! I have always been interested in the creative field and have been an active musician since I was a teen but since I discovered 3D art this has been my main interest.

When I realized the world of creative media could give me the opportunity to express myself freely and learn more about people by their art is really cool and motivating. And juste because I tried and fall in love with creative media.

I felt the need to change career path and focus on being able to express my creative side. I have always had a passion for video games from a young age and being a 3D artist for games gives me the chance to achieve both of these goals!

I have been doing art for most of my life never really thinking much of it, and definetely not as a career choice. I was originally wanting to become a cook, but When I was close to graduating middle school one of my siblings had enrolled in a high school for game art which I didn't know existed at the time. Once I got wind of there being schools for game creation, and a lot of them specifically in sweden, i decided this was the path I wanted to go.

When I played my first game basically, it opened my eyes to a whole new world of entertainment and visual storytelling. And I am a creative individual who learns by trial and error and exploring different workflow approaches that satisfies my personal desire to create. I work great both in individual tasks and cooperative settings. Feedback is something I take value in and I always strive to better myself in every field of work.

I've always drawn and loved art, but I realized I wanted to work in the creative field when I was a young kid. When I first saw Miles Morales as Spider-Man in his debut comic, I was inspired because he was mixed like me and I felt that I could see myself in his character. From that moment on I knew I had to inspire people, and make sure everyone else felt included no matter there what makes them unique.

In my mid 20's I wanted to do something else besides classical music and after testing blender and trying to make my own game demos I was hooked.

Mostly one year ago, when I decided to be part of the MADI, Master in Digital Architecture in Venice

I was dreaming about working in creative industry and 3D world since I was 10 years old. I first started playing with Blender in 2007 when I was 14 years old, but for a very long time I could only do the most basic stuff. Now at 27 years old I'm finally studying 3D modeling and animation for a 2nd year and I have never felt more passionate about creating a portfolio I'm really proud of and making it into the industry.

When I first saw Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I was so mesmerized on the effects and 3d assets that were shown, It literally blew my mind! From that day, I started to learn 3d software, it was a long journey until I actually got in a school that would mentor me to learn the skills in the Industry.

Since I know myself I've always had a great interest in doing art. Then, in the middle of my highschool, I started looking for the areas I could work with and fell in love with concept art and character design and how the artists of my favorites games and movies would develop such characters. Now I'm studying Design in university and want to learn so much more about art and painting and grow as a person each day!

I was 17 years old at the time, everyone wanted to do trade, economy etc. I’ve always played a lot of video games, and I thought, if I like it that much, why not learn to create it. I was born in Morocco, so I told myself that after I got my diploma, I would go to Europe to do studies of video game creation!

I have always loved movies and games, but I never really thought about working in that kind of industry, it just seemed unreal and, with me living in Mexico, impossible. When I was in highschool, I loved design and I was jus starting to learn about programming and 3d modeling, so my dad suggested me to study digital animation as a career and so I did. After that, I discovered my love for the VFX industry and knew that I wanted to work in it and that it was not as unrealistic as I thought.

When I was 16 I bought my first graphics tablet. From then on I realized that making amazing digital art is not quite as unreachable as a skill as I first thought. Still trying to learn it doe.