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I always practiced traditional art in my spare time, but I never planned on being an artist until recently. I always thought I'd work in the sciences. It took years, but eventually, I realized that I didn't have to be a physicist. I could be whatever I wanted. I chose digital art, and I absolutely love it.

When I was junior Student

from my digital design teacher

When I was very in second grade.

I made my my first comics when I was in elementary school and I grew up loving creating character designs and drawing them making interactions with other characters and the environment around them.

Ever since I was first introduced to video games as a kid, I have wanted to work in the game and animation industry. It inspired me to draw everyday and this passion still inspires me to constantly take on new projects.

For the longest time, my plan was to become an engineer so I spent most of my time on science, math, cs courses, etc. However, I also loved writing, art, and creating music. Additionally, I played a lot games and spent much time analyzing them, although I never considered a potential game-related career until my senior year and quickly realized my future path was chosen for the wrong reasons. Creating games was something I quickly felt passionate about and I was eager to grow in every aspect.

I realized this when I started to write my own script for my own video game. I had an interest in the field before, but when I started to work on that I realized that this was the job that I wanted to have.

Back in high school, I was given the opportunity to represent my classmates as my high school's mascot. This came with a lot of duties and getting people to the games was one of them. A few friends and I began to create content on our student section's Twitter account and it ended up being a big hit. Teachers and Students remember our videos to this day, and will never forget the honor of being voted the best student section in the region in 2018. This is what really began my journey.

My major in school is Communication Design (Graphic Design) but I always felt kind of "eh" working on a lot of my graphic design projects. Last year I tried a class in 3D digital modeling and it felt like the piece I had been missing. Now I want to learn everything I can in the 3D digital world and shoot as high as I can.

I realized I wanted to work in creative media when I was still really young. I've been drawing for years and developing a variety of skills to use in the entertainment industry.

After my first year I was at Miami University, I switched my degree from Electrical Engineering to Interactive Media Studies. I'm more focused on web design in my new degree, but I still spend a fair amount of time illustrating. 3D modeling is also an interest of mine, but it's not something I get to spend much time on.

As a kid, video games were a very big part of my childhood. After a couple years in school, I realized I wanted to go into the field and make my own way in it.

Six years ago I got heavily into video editing. Prior to that, I was really into drawing and have kept up with both those hobbies since, but my first year of college I went to film school and got an even further appreciation and interest in the study. From there, I got into visual effects and CGI.

Ever since I fell in love with comics, tv shows, and video games. I remember drawing with my sister making silly comics and my mother telling me I should be an artist. I was so young I didn't realize people did art for a living. Ever since then I've had a drive to create something that wasn't there before even if it's something small.

When I took my first graphic design class in high school.

since I started making 3D Intros

Game Design and Development have been my passion since I was in High School. This was around the time I started to learn about programming and how much I enjoy it.

Once I began audio engineering at the age of 14. I tinkered with GarageBand so often in high school, I decided to splurge on Logic Pro X. I then realized that there is more to art than just audio and set on a journey to learn as much about the digital arts as possible.

I was playing video games at home and was inspired by how it looked and wanted to bring my own art style and skills to work towards making a game beautiful.

I've loved sketching and painting since I was a kid. In high school, I discovered multimedia sculpture and pottery, which lead me to digital 3D and the rest is history.

I got to where I am from playing around with different media, and then I realized that I could actually make some pretty rad stuff with all of the tools that I have in my disposal. I started out working with 2D tools, moving over to 3D and then being able to actually interact with my creations in XR (AR/VR/MR), and I know that from here on out the only direction I can go is up.