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I started my working career in mechanical design of industrial machines. After six years of manufacture and design I realized that I need to use my creative spark, so I decided to change everything and go for Skyup Academy

I have been passionate about comics and animation since childhood. So after various experiences I decided to approach the study of the world of 3D to obtain all the necessary skills and thus be able to enter the world of work.

Before I discovered the world of the Digital Art i was a nurse. Last year, during a period of a personal emotional crisis i discovered my creative need and i found it in the 3d sculpture. I decided to quit my job as a nurse and i joined in the "Sky Up Academy" to begin my journey into the world of 3D graphics. In the future i would like to work for important companies of preproduction like Weta Worksop.

The creative world has always been a source of fascination for me, and video games initially sparked this passion. The immersive environments and visually stunning graphics piqued my curiosity, leading me to explore the various art forms that comprise the digital art landscape, such as illustration and 3D Computer Graphics, particularly the creation of characters and Creatures.

I ascertained my aspiration to pursue a career as a 3D artist within the creative industries at the precise moment when I discerned that a life steeped in creativity was my true calling.

I did realise it when I was young, since I started playing videogames and fantasy movies.

What made me choose was my passion for videgames,movies and anime,i already worked with the 3d modeling, in the jewelry and footwear industry,but I felt like a special call from this world...

When I first started to get into the 3d modeling world, every aspect fascinated me and considering that I am a player and I really like art then I decided that I wanted to pursue my passion by entering the creative media and entertainment industry

Hi, I’m Francesca! I’m a 23 years old Junior 3D Artist and a cinema addicted. I’ve always been passionate about Computer Graphic, VFX and worlds created by the human mind, so I’d like to help to make them real as other artists did before and let me love them. I started my study path as a visual designer, focused on brand identity, illustrations and social media contents; then I decided to start studying 3D, since I’m a really ambitious person and want to aim high.

I always had a passion for telling stories, both visually and verbally. I'm very fascinated by cinema because it gathers many creative fields, giving life to something even more beautiful. I wanted to learn more about animation, but since I recently entered the CGI world I'm descovering so many new aspects and I'm even more fascinated by this industry.

I've loved art since I was little and always wanted to create my own stuff. The 3D world opened up a whole new creative space for me. A big fan of movies and video games, I get inspiration from them every day.

After years of study and unsatisfactory work experience, I realized that I wanted to do what I used to do just as a hobby, namely computer graphics.

I tried a goldsmithing course once, there i found out that i truly enjoy creative activities, i spent two years studying lost wax technique and general goldsmithing. While looking for a job a friend of mine suggested me to take a look to 3d programs since i liked modelling small things so much,once i discovered all the possibilities offered by the 3d world i immediately started searching for a school .

I've always been passionate about games and everything related to them. After years of various jobs, last year I finally decided to dive into this field by starting with small mod projects for games, and then enrolling in a school this year to learn as much as I can.

I have always been very creative. I began to approach the world of visual art when at 13 he discovered that I knew how to draw portraits of specific people. After having refined all the pencil drawing techniques, I broadened my knowledge by diving into painting, digital graphics and videomaking. For two years I worked as a freelance videomaker and I also managed to discover the world of VFX and compositing. I'm so hungry and eager to learn everything about this world, I'm studying to do it.

Since I was 18 I've started developing interest in 3D art and cgi but I've always been interested in art and photography.

after i'm done a blender course.

Hello, I'm Lorenzo, a student at Skyup Academy. I'm passionate about digital sculpting, with a particular focus on creating characters and collectibles. I'm relatively new to this world, but I'm eager to improve and achieve my goals!

Since i was little i always searched refuge in art. When i was 12 years old i discovered the world of 3d Arts.From there i realised that is a job maded for me.

While I was watching a Disney animated film

I realized I wanted to work as a 3d environment artist during the second year of my languages studies at university. After my graduation I started working to earn money and begin my path with Skyup Academy.