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Dragon Koi Projects

Dragon Koi Projects

Alessio Genovese
by alessiogenovese on 6 Oct 2023

Presenting my very first project. I hope you like it, any advice is welcome!

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Model reference and anatomical study.

Sculpting process

I started from the 'Zspheres,' trying to provide a comprehensive view of all the volumes. I sculpted the face first; the scales were the most challenging part.  Using the 'alphas' didn't yield what I really desired, so I began applying individual scales by hand, striving to give them the right significance.

Material Analysis

I started with clay, considering the context, I decided to use a ceramic-like material with gold and turquoise contrasts, taking inspiration from Japanese ceramic figurines.


Following real photos of ceramic figurines, I tried to recreate an accurate reflection, positioning the sculpture as if it were in the depths of the sea.

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