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While listening to epic fantasy visual music in my high school years, I realized the motivation I gained from the powerfully rendered fantasy artworks with the music encouraged me to take on this journey till this day.

I have spent my childhood immersed in drawing and always wanted to be an artist. Video games were also a big part of my life, and I delved into digital art during my teen years playing around with 2D illustrations, 3D modeling, and modding games. Creating art for games has always been my goal and I am excited to join the professional world of the game industry.

I believe I was 12 or 13 years old when I realized that I wanted to do animation as a career and actively pursue creative media. At first I was primarily looking at film, researching and learning as much as I could about the industry. I always loved video games but didn't think about leaning into that realm until around 2016 when I realized where I lived had several companies and opportunities available. Since then, I have been trying to learn more and be a part of video game development.

It was when I was a young kid playing through Super Mario World, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time etc. But the biggest impact to push me to become an Environment Artist was God of War 3 and Assassin's Creed. Their ability to create epic and dynamic worlds/gameplay spaces inspired me to want to help give that experience of awe to the next generation of gamers.

I've always known it, although I never knew how until I started sculpting on Zbrush... Characters are my thing!

I first realized I wanted to work in the creative industries during my junior high years. I’ve had an interest in art early on in my life all the way back in grade school, I wanted to create tv shows, as I got older I learned that I could actually make a career out of art. Since then I’ve taken art classes and camps to help build my skills until I hit college and am currently working towards my Bachelors in Fine Arts.

I knew I had to work in a creative industry when I found myself walking around in video games, taking in all the complex models and materials. It began as a desire to learn how this art makes its way into a game. As I learned more about the process I fell in love with the collaborative and selfless nature of it all. So much effort and time put into things players take for granted, but if they were gone they would surely notice. I want to be a part of that magic more than anything.

I originally found the inspiration from watching an episode of the Simpsons where Bart wanted to make Comics/Cartoons following a cartoonist who made a series called Danger Dog. Over the years I've found myself being more drawn to game development thanks to Fighting Games such as Tekken, Street Fighter, Skull Girls, and Guilty Gear. Artstation- Linkeden -

After 2 years in community college attempting to become a lawyer, I took a digital art class and it reminded me of my love for creating artwork growing up.

I first drew comics back in middle school, then watched TV cartoons and movies, became inspired by storyboard through behind-the-scenes DVD bonuses and artist portfolios and made me inspired to become a story artist that I can contribute.

Sometime in the middle of high school, when I was already very invested in art as a hobby, I had something of an awakening - every adult around me pushed me this or that way toward engineering or math or science, but I never really got to decide what I wanted for myself and my future. I didn't want to be stuck in a passionless place with a passionless people like I was - so, I picked up a college art program flyer aimed at upcoming juniors and seniors, and shoot my shot.

What inspired me to study to become a professional artist in the video game industry was how much it influenced me during my youth and being able to witness the innovation that this medium brought that no other medium has ever done. Being able to see how art can guide the player and enhance the immersion of a unique experience truly fascinated me and that is when I realised what I want to pursue.

I was always inspired by the stories told by artists through the many films I watched growing up. I want to share stories through art that will speak hope and encouraging messages to everyone who sees it.

Since I was a kid I really liked to draw. And when I was in high school, I knew I wanted to make a game. I like challenges. I work hard, and I love making games and playing hard games. I contributed to creating games by joining three game teams and had a great experience with talented teammates. My role mostly involved creating characters or props, and I mainly focused on characters in the game team. I always take responsibility and confidence in my work.

Back in junior high when I first fell in love with 2d animation

Experiencing the way art transcends language and is able to connect with people of all ages and cultures continues to amaze me. As a child I never really understood why I loved animation so much, and I think it all came down to that fact! Now video games are beginning to come up with new ways to engage and interact with a player's thoughts and emotions that goes beyond what a movie can do. I cannot wait to be apart of more projects that have a meaningful impact on the world!

I wanted to work in the industry when I first started playing video games such as Splinter Cell, Hitman and Skyrim. I was captivated by the environments and visuals of such media and wanted to figure out how I could go about creating my own and also impacting others just like how it has captivated me at a very young age.

I've always been a story teller and loved creative projects. I guess the very first notion came after seeing Star Wars Ep: 4 when I was a kid and thinking, "People get paid to do that!" Creative projects are amazing, time consuming acts of love that make the world a better place. I'm not happy unless I'm working on some artic project- digital or traditional. I love video games, table top games/rpgs and miniature games... although I could really stand to up my miniature painting skills!

When I first saw Spirited Away, it showed me how well art could be used to tell a story. Even a single still image can tell a long and complex story.

I enjoy seeing my ideas come to life, either via my drawings or modelling them out in 3D. And I enjoy playing games, where it's interactive and a world full of unlimited creativity and potential. So when I had to decide on my education path, I decided that I want to pursue this amazing line of work.

I first realized I wanted to work in the game industry when I was first introduced to Halo. My interest and resulting artwork based on the game led me to decide to focus on creating game art as a career path.

I had started playing games as far as I had memories. I got really interested in games that had in-built level editors and such. Over time, this interest begin to push me towards wanting to make my own games.

When I first started at DigiPen, I wanted to be a storyboard artist. Then I discovered 3D modeling. Every model is like a puzzle and texturing is like magic.