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Léo Zhang: Showreel 2022-2023

Léo Zhang: Showreel 2022-2023

Zhang leo
by LeoZhang on 31 May 2023 for Rookie Awards 2023

Hello everyone! Welcome to my presentation of my last year at new3dge. It's already been 5 years at this school and I'm happy with the progress I've made since the beginning. Take a big breath because my post will be very long because I was able to be in 5 different projects this year. I hope you will all appreciate it

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During this year, I'm lucky to work on 5 different team.

We got two part in this presentation for each half-year. 
For the first part of my graduation I work on Salty Sails project.

Salty Sails is a project made by six students from New3Dge that was done during 3 month. It's a top down action in a handpaint adventure, inspired by Dofus, Ruined King and Monkey Island.

I will present you my work during my graduation at New3dge. I work in this project as Tech and fx artist. Hope you will enjoy my work.

In the video below, I'm going to show you most of the fx present in the game. we have different fx from two different universes between the pirate island and the fantasy spa.

Shader/Niagara System

During this project, I made different tech that can help character/environment artist in my team. One of the main tech is the modular character that can be seen all long the gameplay.

Now, We made some fun interaction with NPC or Environment. For example, we have an interaction with a cannon, with few Npc Stand...

I also help environment artist to make some food on their area. I really enjoy modeling and texturing food.

For the second part of my graduation, I've had the honor of working on all the school's projects as FX/tech artist: AquaHeroes, The city of Karnak, Paris 2084 and Tower 42

It was a great experience to work on those 4 projects at the same time during 5 months.

AquaHeroes is made by 8 students from New3dge that was done during 5 month.  In this game, a team of 4 children are fighting mechanical monsters who are invading the planet, with their favorite water weapons. 

For this Project, I worked on Fx and tech part.

I really appreciate to make all characters and enemies fx. For the first time, I deepened my knowledge of FX by doing, most of the time, Handpaint shader and flipbook.  It was really long but I enjoyed drawing to paint dynamic shape or color blending. I hope you'll enjoy my work on this project.

During this project, I create some blueprint to save my teammate time so I made modular blueprint.

Aqua Heroes is a Top Down Roguelike game. So we have lots of tech to set up. 

First, 4 players play at the same time, we have to progress building in building to defeat The boss. During that progression, we encounter small enemies who want to kill us. 

I will present you what I've done for technical part.

Karnak is made by 9 students from New3dge that was done during 5 month. It's a solo third person action-aventure, realistic game. They player have to enter a mystery shrine in order to lift the curse and defeat the forsaken king.

Here too, I handle the tech and fx parts.

This is the first time I've tried realistic fx. I have to make the game more immersive and dynamic to hook players. Hope you will enjoy it.

Karnak is a solo third person d'action-aventure

This game has to be hard enough but still playable. We were constrained to use only the bow in this game, which makes it more difficult.
So I made lots of tech for this project too.

Paris 2084 is made by 8 students from New3dge that was done during 5 month. In this project, we embody the role of a detective who goes to a crime scene, collecting evidence after evidence.

For this project, I wasn't the main fx artist because of time constraints. But I was there to add some sparkle to the environment.

I also made modular tech which can save time to environment/character artists but also me with some modular interaction/gameplay.

I've renewed the modular character tech but added more options to make even better  this tech.

Tower42 is made by 8 students from New3dge that was done during 5 month. In this project, The player and small squad make progress on an hostile environment, making it fit for human passage.

Tower42 is a cinematic/video game. 

I was in charge of some fx in the cinematics and gameplay. Realistic fx isn't my forte, but I'm curious and trying to find out more my knowledge of visual effects.

I added a blueprint which can change the cracking and agnium progression of trees and their rotation.

For the tech part of the project, to get us into this hostile atmosphere, we need precise indications and a rather contemplative style of playing. So I made some blueprint that immerses the player in the game.

If you're still here, it's because you enjoyed it. I hope you did, because I really enjoyed working on different team, even if from sometimes, I ran out of time to finish certain things.

I know I've made a long presentation, but I've been able to learn a lot and discover lots of ways to optimize and save time. I just wanted to share the results of my efforts and I hope it didn't bore you too much or make your fingers ache from scrolling.

Thanks for looking at my work.

My Profile: Artstation Linkedin Gmail: [email protected]


Salty Sails: - Environment: Axel Daboineau, Marie Henry, Tom Joubert
                       - Character: Tiffany Lethanh, Romain Hologne

Aqua Heroes:  - Environment: Axel Daboineau, Marie Henry, Mélanie Khau
                             - Character: Kenza El MhaiaTiffany Lethanh, Romain Hologne, Raphael Banget-Mossaz
                             - Shader: Axel Daboineau, Romain Hologne
- Animator: Hugo Trénoras
                             - Concept Art: Kiara Leneuf, Cecilia Lapeze, Antoine Gadoud, Romane Treluyer
                             - Music: Julien Azhar [email protected]
                             - Motion Design: Céline Dang
                             - Spécial Thanks: Inès Poulet

The City of Karnak: - Environment: Estelle Panel, Vincent D'Andrea, Benjamin Kretschmann
                                        - Lighting: Estelle Panel
                                        - Character: Jean-Jacques Dumas, Maxime Leroy, Ludivine Bellot, Armande LecointreMoheb Naguib
                                        - Tech Chara: 
Armande Lecointre
                                        - Concept Art: Jérôme Bianchi, Céline Cariou, Régin Wellander, Noel Martins, Anne Fichet

Paris 2084: - Environment: Tom Joubert, Alice Couderc, Morgan Pilat
                       - Character: Morganne Lebel, Eva Le Cocguen, Baya Beneddetti, Flavian Tatchi
                       - Concept Art: Noah Hamilton, Alexandra Trauth, Bryan Zapata G, Nathan Agostini, Yann Leblanc

Tower 42: - Environment: Valentin Lefevre, Antoine Josephine
                     - Cinematic/Lighting/Layout: Hippolyte Gely
                     - Vehicle: Oscar Chalaux
                     - Character: Mathis Boumedjmadjen, Walid Miled, Yohan Houel
                     - Animation: Alexandre Faucheux
                     - Concept Art:
Samuel LauroUnai LoidiSara HermellinBaptiste GuérinAxel Roux

Gameplay of each project:

Salty Sails


The City of Karnak

Paris 2084

Tower 42

More Project

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