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The Game Assembly
The Game Assembly

The Game Assembly

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8 Achievements
90% Employment Rate
817 High Fives

The Game Assembly is a Higher Vocational Education in Sweden that educates highly skilled game developers ready for the Games Industry.

For nearly 15 years, The Game Assembly (TGA) has been educating highly skilled game developers for the global games industry. At our campuses in Malmo and Stockholm, Sweden, we provide education for Game Animators, Game Artists, Game Programmers, Level Designers, Procedural Artists, and Technical Artists. Each program spans 1.5 to 2.5 years, with a significant portion dedicated to a game company internship. Our approach divides your time between specific courses for your field and collaborative, cross-disciplinary game development. We primarily focus on creating 3D games and emphasize the use of agile methods and regular feedback. Since 2022, in partnership with Kaplan, we also offer an apprenticeship master program in the UK for in-depth game programming exploration. We closely collaborate with the games industry, both in Sweden and internationally, to ensure that our education aligns with employers' expectations. During your time at TGA, you will have the opportunity to meet guest speakers, attend workshops, and receive feedback from industry experts. Our graduates are now spread worldwide, forming a fantastic network benefiting both the school and our students. A degree from TGA is your ticket to a creative and exciting profession, with the entire world as your field of work.

Countries: Sweden United Kingdom

Location: Online Campus

Industries: Game Design & Development

Software: Houdini Maya Photoshop Substance Designer Substance Painter Unreal Engine Visual Studio Zbrush


Natthawut Boonsan
Adam Dencker
Max Kock
Robin Andblom


Game Artist

The Game Artist education at The Game Assembly focus mainly on 3D and our students learn through the courses different areas of being a game artist, always building to their knowledge and skillset. During the game projects, the students get to dive deep and broaden their knowledge in the various fields. We educate our students to become skilled at collaborating and adapting their work to make great games together with other disciplines. After completing the education, the students are able to work with 2D and 3D software, they can take responsibility for their own process from reference to art in the game, receive and act on feedback and to be part of the creative world of game development.

Game Animator

At The Game Assembly, the Game Animators will, among other things, learn the twelve animation principles and how these are implemented. The education also includes animation of both mechanical and living characters. The student also learns motion capture and keyframe animation as well as rigging of 3D models. The software that the animators mainly work with is Autodesk Maya and Motion Builder. During the education, the game animator creates several games, from first idea to playable game. In the game projects they collaborates with the other disciplines to bring the characters to life in both gameplay as well as cinematics.

Technical Artist

As a Technical Artist, you see technical limitations as a challenge. In your role, you develop tools such as animation systems, shaders and particle systems for your colleagues to use. You find pleasure in finding solutions to various technical problems and also optimizing and improving workflows.

During the Technical Artist education, three games are created in cooperation with the other disciplines at the school. The education is 1,5 years and includes areas such as scripting, rigging, shaders, VFX and game engines. In addition to this, the students will learn how to develop games from first idea to playable game according to the same working methodology that companies in the industry use.

Level Design

A Level Designer creates the world for the player and giving the player a memorable experience. The world can simulate reality with houses, roads and forests. They can also develop puzzles and more abstract experiences for the fame. At The Game Assembly, we train the students so that they will gain insight into all possible roles that working life offers within this area.

A good Level Designer need to be comfortable with three base pillars: Technology, Design and Graphics. Understanding the technical limitations of the game engine is also of the essence for a Level Designer to know the limitations of the world they are building. Further, their mission is also to script events and put life into their creations. The students get a multifaceted insight into what it means designing game flows and experiences. It is possible for our students to immerse and specialize themselves as a Technical Designer or World Designer.

Game Programmer

The Game Programmer education at The Game Assembly gives the student knowledge of the most common data structures and algorithms in game development. The applied mathematics the students learn during the first year will be used throughout the education and develop over time. Students learn, among other things, C ++ - programming, AI, scripting, software development and networking. The students develop their own game engine which is then used in the games created with the other disciplines at The Game Assembly. This is a unique concept and working together in these larger projects is an important part of the education. Our Game Programmers get a valuable insight into what it means to collaborate with other professional roles and understanding the possibilities and limitation to consider when devloping a game in cooperation with others.

Procedural Artist

The need for this professional role has emerged as games have become more complex, and users now want even bigger digital worlds. In the Procedural Artist role, you will blend your creative vision with technical skills. The program, running for 2.5 years, covers various aspects, including scripting, rigging, shaders, VFX, and game engines. Furthermore, you will gain the skills to take a game from its initial idea to a playable state, following the same methods as industry professionals.

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The Game Assembly
The Game Assembly


Global School Rankings 2017

Awarded to Schools that ranked highly in the Rookies Global School Rankings 2017.

Global School Rankings 2018

Awarded to Schools that ranked highly in the Rookies Global School Rankings 2018.

Global School Rankings 2019

Awarded to Schools that ranked highly in the Rookies Global School Rankings 2019.

Global School Rankings 2020

Awarded to Schools that ranked highly in the Rookies Global School Rankings 2020.

Global School Rankings 2021

Awarded to Schools that ranked highly in the Rookies Global School Rankings 2021.

Global School Rankings 2022

Awarded to Schools that ranked highly in the Rookies Global School Rankings 2022.

Global School Rankings 2023

Awarded to Schools that ranked highly in the Rookies Global School Rankings 2023.

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