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I finished my Graphic Design graduation in 2007. Now I'm learning 3D and trying to get in games industry.

I started being interested in the creative media industry from a young age because of my uncle who was an established interior designer and he helped me to realize that this was my passion and what I truly wanted to do as a career path.

I enjoy the entire process of the 3D space, be it modeling, sculpting, texturing, lighting or even compositing. I am always open to learning new things and there are alot more in store for me to learn. Excited for what's in store in the future!

I always spend most of my time watching video games, movies and reading books. Which led me to 3D modeling.

When I was in high school I was inspired by Avenger Endgame and that movie made me want to learn about 3D Entertainment. After that I applied to study atTheOneAcademy, I slowly found out that 3D Modeling is the one that interests me the most and it helped me to realize that this was my passion and what I truly wanted to do as a career path.

🍁Canada Toronto 🎓 OCADU Bachelor of Industrial Design 🌝 Student @ ThinkTank Training Centre 🔥 3D Artist : [email protected] I am open to making new friends! 🌝

It all began with the movie "The Hobbit",aside from the amazing story line, those beautiful scenarios and backgrounds showed in the movie engaged my whole interests and since then, I finally have my on planing for my future. I wished to express out my own thoughts, ideas and feelings through my illustrations.

I always had an interest when it came to creating stories as well as making my own characters and worlds. I used to watch a lot of cartoons and animations as well and that has definitely made an impact in terms of furthering my interest in pursuing art in the future.

I always wanted to work in a creative industry but unfortunately I followed a different path. Now I'm starting a new journey to become a 3D journey after my training at Think Tank Online program

Back in the '99s, no one around me knew what was VFX. I didn't know that magic was called VFX either. So I started by painting to achieve these magics. But I found that painting doesn't explain how VFX was created. Then I've met someone who could explain to me how VFX was created, and I also started the journey of making VFX. Until I've tried many different things over the last few years. To make it happen, I found Houdini could help me with this. So I began to yearn for the road of Houdini.

I always knew I want to do something creative but I wasn't sure what exactly. In university I studied Visual Communications where I had the opportunity to learn and experiment with different types of visual art. On my 3rd year, one of my classes was a game design class which was when I realized that this is what I am good at and want to do. After my graduation I decided to take an online course at Think Tank in order to focus on creating 3d environment art for games.

I have always been interested in digital art, and at a fair I realized that this could be a career to pursue.

I love to draw creatures since I was a kid. As I grew older, my path had changed to engineering studies, but my love for drawing never dies. At the age of 16, I won an art competition with prize of full scholarship to art college. From there, I realised that I could make a living by drawing things that I passionate the most.

Ever since I was in High School I was enamored by the great work being done on Deviantart and Gnomon workshops and have wanted to reach that level as an artist. I have also been an avid fan of great TV shows and movies which have continually inspired me.

Since I was little, I have been particularly interested in drawing and designing. This makes me very interested and want to develop my own hobbies.

When I was 16 years old, I came across great work and I was fascinated by it and made me want to be that kind of student. As my father also doing this kind of job, and he always show me how to be a great designer.

When I was 13 year's old, when I played the pubg mobile video, I realised that if I can learn 3D modeling that will be fun!

during secondary school

When I was in high school, I really liked to watch films and animation, and also playing a wide variety of games. I was interested in the production of films and games, so I did some research on it, and I found the process of developing a film and games is so fun and interesting. Then I wanted to be part of the team.

When I'm 17 years old. CGI and Visual Effects make me interested in them.

Colored pencils, crayons, watercolor paints were unbelievably magical to little me ! The idea of pouring my imagination to produce something meaningful and visually satiating is fullfiling and i want to tell my stories through it.