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My entire life I've played videogames. Escaping reality and diving into a world so powerful and beautiful in every way was my favourite thing in the world, and it still is. I fell in love with so many games and they changed so much for me. The inspiring and amazing stories, the characters developing with you as you play and the environments where you just want to take a moment to appreciate it all made me realize that that was the road I wanted to take.

As long as I can remember I have loved art and sciences. At a higher education fair a few years back I met Dirk a teacher at DAE. He told me about the industry and I fell in love. It has been 5 years and I haven't regretted it once!

Ever since I was little games made my life easier, it is was and still is a great way to communicate and make friends even if the person does not know you. Apart from that, you always fit in a community because you can talk about the adventure you had in that game. I learned a lot from games. And thats what i want to give the generation to come, the same experience that we had.

It all started when I got my first Game Boy when I was hospitalised as a kid around the age of 7. A whole new world opened up and since then I've never left it. After finishing programming studies I decided to give DAE a try and I fell in love with the creation of games more than with gaming. Now my only goal is to bring my fantasy world to other people and bring them joy and happyness with it.

It was when I was sitting in the movie theatre -I think I had just finished watching Pixar's Brave- and the credits were rolling that I was suddenly hit with an epiphany: People get paid to work on animated films. And as soon as I realized that obvious notion, it was as if something clicked in my head and I knew that that was what I wanted to do. And ever since that moment I've been working towards that goal.

Video was always a big interest of mine, making small stop motion movies when I was 12 and always being intrigued by everything in the VFX genre, then I started photoshopping a lot and trying my first hand at after effects. Falling in love with VFX Breakdowns fom big movies and tutorials from the Corridor youtube channel I started thinking I could actually do this for a living. When I saw DAE at a studies Expo my vision was set and I didn't need to see any other college. Now I'm here!

I started painting in high school. Since then I've been doing different visual arts, like painting, modeling, concept art.

Insert text here, bla bla bla.

Back when I was 12 years old 16 ish years ago my passion was drawing and I dreamed of becoming a comic artist. But I then became involved with playing games and a friend of mine showed me the Digital Arts and Entertainment course at Howest, which was when I decided to pursue a career in games instead.

When I was a kid I used to play lots of video games with my older brother. Then one day he brought a game that would start it all – Final Fantasy IX. Though at first I yelled at my brother for putting it on, because I wanted to play The Little Mermaid, eventually it became one of my biggest inspirations and goals – I knew that when I grew up I wanted to be a part of video game creation.

Since I was a child I was always fascinated by film. Stunned by the worlds and stories that can be told and always watching the behind-the-scenes. Channels like RocketJump and Video Copilot got me in touch with VFX. For my higher education I decided that I wanted to study film. After graduating I was still hungry for more. Having more inclination towards the post production side of the process I chose the pursue Visual Effects.

During my time in high school, they bought a brand new 3D printer I was very intrigued by this piece of brand new technology. Experimenting with the 3D printer lead to me learning how to 3D modeling, with games also being an activity I used to get involved with. sparked a wide interest in the usage of 3D & programming in games.

It was around 3 years ago. I didn't know for a long time what I would like to become in the future. But after starting at DAE and successfully finishing an apprenticeship in Mediadesign, I found my passion for the Game industry!!

I have always been very interested in games and especially the art around them, but I never really considered it as a job until I found out that you could study things like this at DAE. Since then I have been sucked into the world of videogame creation.

I've always wanted to be an explorer. Since very little, I dreamed of discovering places nobody saw before. The thrill for adventure always stuck with me. When growing up, finding the right study to make that a reality just didn't come. I slowly wandered off the path to the one future I always saw. But then after graduating high school I told myself I would either discover the world I live in or create my own, and because of the game industry, I get to do both.

Baby me wanted to be a Computer Doctor. That turned into Games Creator. Visiting a local games expo made me realise Game Development is what I wanted to do and is now what I am pursuing through the projects I work on.

When I was 8 years old I realised that I wanted to work in the animation industry.

I realised that I wanted to do this work in the creative industries when I heard in high school that there was an option in Belgium to do this as higher studies.

I always had an interest in art and games, and I wanted to bring the feeling of joy I experienced with games to others.

I started as a 3d artist and environmental artist in 2018. When I tried to implement audio into everything I made, I realized I was doing the wrong carreer path. In 2022 I switched over to technical sound design instead.

Animation movies and story driven videogames never stopped making me enthusiastic and eager to tell stories my way.

from a young age, I was always fascinated with the world around specifically technology, then I found games, so one thing lead to another and I became fascinated with how games were made, now I'm actively pursuing a career in the games industry

About 3 years ago when I was in highschool studying graphic design I realised I love making art digitally. So after highschool I discovered Digital Arts and Entertainment in my home country Belguim, I was first looking to give Game Graphics Production a shot but I totally fell in love with 3D Animation. I am in my second year right now working really hard but I'm loving every second of it!