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I have been interested in art and video games since my youngest age. I always wanted to work in this field so I gave myself all the means to achieve it, I Studied the art of video games in a private school in France for three years, which comforted me in my choices.

I have a huge passion for everything fantasy or sci-fi and have always enjoyed painting landscapes and dreaming of exciting new worlds but it wasn't until the start of my 2nd year at university that I found the confidence in my skills to begin pursuing work in the creative industries. You can find my work on Artstation, Instagram or Twitter. :)

I was studying Biology, Chemistry and Art in college. When it came to thinking about career prospects and picking what to study for, I knew I could either do what might land me a more secure job in Biology or Chemistry, or I could do what I have always enjoyed and dreamed of, and see if I can make a career out of it. I took the leap to study Concept Art at further education to try and break into the entertainment industry.

3 years ago, when I started studying game design

My passion for art and beauty came out since I was kid. I was spending everyday routine sketching and painting, with a huge interest for art, photography, cinema and costume design. I studied Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and worked for several years at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma as scenographer and painter before join CGI Industry and architectural visualization.

I had a desire to express myself quite early on in my life, and for a long time I was trying to find how exactly I wanted to do this. As a kid I got into making my own animations, starting with stop-motion Lego and over the years moving onto 2D Flash animations. This was my first experience in creative media, and whilst afterwards I practiced fine art, guitar, and even some acting, it was when I married my passions of art and games that I found what I wanted to do with my life.

When I was seven years old I fell in love with drawing, painting and being generally creative. I was particularly inspired by games such as Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter and the Sly Cooper series

Art and games have always been a great interest in my life from a young age, since then I have decided to combine my two passions into one career as a 3D Environment artist

Since the beginning of my adolescence, I have always loved the world of animation and VFX

I first started my studies in Literature. It was very nice to express myself and to create new worlds, but words aren’t really my thing. ⠀ So I studied Graphic Design in Paris during three years. One day, I discovered ARTFX school, where you can learn VFX and more. It was a revelation for me, and my first reaction to that was Holy*!t it is possible to work on movies ! This day I new this was what I wanted to do ! Working in movies and making people dream like I dreamt before. ⠀

19 year old self thought artist looking for school or work opportunities PORTFOLIO WEBSITE:

I realised I wanted to work in visual effects around my 16th year but it has been a slow and growing thought

I started art classes as a toddler and grew up always wanting to do anything art and design based

I started committing to an artistic path when I was in my last year of High School. I had worked on my art on the side outside of school and taught myself the fundamentals of digital illustration. I eventually wanted to branch out my skillset so I enrolled into animation school. I also have a social media account with 30K+ followers in which I post work, sell prints and stickers as well as work on commissions.

I realized that 3D is my passion after I finish my architecture studies in college

Upon discovering video games at a very early age I was blown away by the effort that goes into their development and the possibilities of their final product: working as a team people could create interactive worlds and stories that rivalled even the greatest of novels or films. I immediately knew from that first interaction with video games that my biggest career aspiration was to get the chance to add my artwork to these games, and thus I've devoted my life to this goal.

After my first year of college when I went into Animal Management and didn't like it compared to creating art. Plus getting into video games, movies and shows and the whole design of characters and creatures. I love creating so why not take the opportunity to learn more.

I made a choice to pursue a career in this industry at a rather later stage in my life. I only realized that art was what I was really passionate about halfway through a 4-year software engineering program in 2016. Fast forward a few years later and I now have a bachelor's degree in Animation and am currently pursuing a Masters's degree in Game Art. Now I feel that I am doing something I love and I can't wait to see what the future holds.

I realised from a young age I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry coming from a very creative family I was always pushed to embrace my imagination. I fell in love with films heavy in effects such as King Kong, Jurassic Park, Spider-Man and since then have wanted to create my own worlds that people can immerse themselves in the same way I did when I was younger.

I've always spent my days doing some form of art so it just makes sense to continue pursuing creative endeavors throughout my life.

I have wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry since I realised it was actually an option for me, rather than something you just dream about. I have always loved art and games and I am very excited to be part of the process.

Currently studying Game Art at Falmouth University.

The first time I was gifted a graphics tablet, I got so addicted to drawing on Photoshop that my dad would have to wheel my desk chair out of my room (with me on it) and into the dining room, so that I wouldn't forget to eat.

I first realised I wanted to be a concept artist after watch Feng Zhu's videos on Youtube during my BA in Drawing & Applied Arts.