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I realised that I wanted to work in creative industries at the age of 13 when I started to create maps on a game called RecRoom, which offers the player the opportunity to create maps & experiences for others to enjoy by using some primitive shapes & a nodal system for coding. After some time I started to compete in some contests with prize pools and made it three times to the 3rd place & two times to the 1st place. It made me enjoy the creative industry and made me wanna make it my work.

I've always had this creative streak, and it began around the age of 11 when I watched the movie Real Steel and the series Grimm. From there, I knew I could develop a passion for the creative world, and now I'm giving my all to make it happen.

I've always been interested in learning many kind of artistic expression.

I’ve always been a big fan of video games and animation films but I started to get really interested in it and think about finding a job in those industries when I was around 14 years old. I started looking on the internet where I could learn 3D and I found out that the SAE Institute Geneva were at the “Salon des métiers” who’s a convention about finding jobs. So I went there and talk with them and that’s how I knew that I wanted to do 3D.

I've learned on my own, image, video and 3D programs like Premiere, Filmora, Photoshop, Blender..., also self-taught in music theory. Always trying to bring out the creative side, in every possible way. And finally I had the opportunity to enroll in Lightbox Academy a Basic and Advanced modeling Master's degree in Maya.

When i first touched a crayon as a kid i knew i was going creative goblin mode. I have always worked at creative fields, interior design, graphic design, advertising, illustration, concept art, and now 3D. As Creature designer I feel the need to conjure a myriad of critters out of my mind from pencil scribbles to a polished 3D render.

i realised that i want to work in creative industries when i saw for the first time Overwatch's cinematics, and that day i realised that i would like to work like 3d Artist.

I first realized when I was doing a writing project for school and had written a short story with some illustrations and my teacher told me I should become a writer and and artist. I had been drawing a lot of portraits and anime before just for fun but as I grew I became better and that I was made to create.

I first realized my passion for Concept art during my high school years, a friend of mine then showed me a application toward my college in my last year of high school which then put me in my direction of studying concept art for 2 years.

Since as a kid i was huge fan of movies and games. I was always interested in the 3D world and i wanted to know the way they create and make the art. My initial start in this industry was during my college years.

Since I was little I have always loved Disney´s films, actually all animation films, so when I grew up I decided I wanted to be part of that world. Once I grew up I started investigating and end up finding U-tad and Lightbox Academy the two schools I studied in. The field that I like the most of 3D art is 3D modeling, but I am very passionate about 3D animation and 3D texturizing as well.

I enjoy creating my own 3d worlds including creatures, characters and environments. I enjoy working on modeling, sculpting, texturing and set dressing. I'm eager to improve my skills and learn new workflows that are compatible with the rest of the pipeline. I've always been passionate about art (2D illustration, traditional drawing), but 3D was a revelation for me.

Since I discovered that with images you can express yourself and tell stories.

Since I was very little, I have been involved in the world of video games and cinema. Both have made a significant impact on me and I would love to develop my career in these areas.

Monotonous studies and jobs made me bored, so I have always been looking for entertaining occupations. I understood that I wanted to work in the creative industries when I realized that I could face new stimulating challenges every day.

My journey began during my undergraduate studies in design at the Polytechnic University of Turin. It was while taking a course in 3D visualization for products that I discovered how much more there could be beyond just the modeling I knew up to that point.

I started at the little age with 2D drawing and technical design studies, my first work experience was working in the development of fashion displays as a 3D artist, it was at that moment I realized the power of creating 3D stuff. After attending the Skyup Academy CG Masterclass, to improve my abilities and decide which path to pursue, I've been chosen to join their team as a teaching assistant. Currently putting all of myself trying to master 3D modeling.

My creative journey began during my time at the University of Interior Design in Milan. It was there that I first realized my passion for the creative industries. It all started when I enrolled in a course that introduced me to 3D software for architectural projects. This transformative experience ignited my love for design and technology, setting me on a path to pursue a career in the creative world.

Since i was a teenager, always loved to be creative. Being a texture artist allows me to express my self and be creative, that makes me feel a child-like joy. I feel like in the world of CGI, every scratch and stain has a story to tell, and as texture artists, we are the storytellers.

Since I was a kid I’ve been fascinated about animation, 3D and videogames. But the moment I realized I wanted to make 3D art and Work in the industry was when I went to the cinema to watch Ratatouille with my father, that moment changed my life and since then I felt in love with 3D.

Every time I watch an animation or a movie, it always inspires me to learn or creating something that can make others enjoy too. Time passed, the urge accumulates, until one day I break free from my common life and venture to this new whole world~

I am a Diploma Fresh Graduate in Game Development. During my two years of study at Undo Academy, I have learned some fundamental skills in 3D Modeling, Concept Art, 3D Animation, 2D Animation, Unity C# Coding and Unity Game VFX. I really love drawing and I wish that I can be a 3D Concept Artist, Concept Artist, Illustrator, 3D Modeler or Technical Artist in the future because I believe that art can unites people more easily than words.

Coming from a family of artists, I realized that 3D would be my way of expressing myself.