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Acting Animation-Progression in participating 11 Second Club March Competition

Acting Animation-Progression in participating 11 Second Club March Competition

by cashyn on 5 Dec 2023

This is the first time for me to participate the 11 second club competition. It is an animation competition. By browsing The Rookies, I found an amazing knight spider rigs from the past rookies animation contest and use it as a actor in my animation.

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The original audio has a sarcastic narrator blaming the person who went into the jungle for destroying it.  Thus, my idea is that a tiny spider was the narrator, blaming the human who came to visit their habitat 

Due to its tiny size, the spider was able to play hide and seek with the jungle adventurers, and only be found at the end of the audio.

This some acting for my animation references. I wearing the hat to represent the jungle adventurer while another is the spider.

This is my second blocking, there is some change compare from the original reference.

This is my final animation. I had use this to participate the 11 second clubs March Competition, and luckly I won the second place of the competition. A very great thanks to my teacher Raymond who guide me through the competition, and offcouse, thanks for the knight spider rigs from The Rookies, and Dude rigs from Shalaby Rigs.

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