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Search Filters: LISAA - The Higher Institute of Applied Arts
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I always have been fascinate by visual effects, i realize i wanted to get in this industry with movies like LOTR, Blade Runner...

After highschool I spend times thinking creativity can't be a job, I was completly wrong and by passion and curiosity i discover a world and a industry. Then at 20 i've remove all my mentals barrieres about creation and start learning art and visual development, first by my own then in a school. Keeping myself curious and hungry to learn is my way of thinking.

I've always enjoyed creating and drawing since my childhood. When I understood working in the video game industry was possible and not just a fantasy thanks to game art studies, I told myself I'll do my best to achieve that goal !

I discovered 3D environment art (including some material and tech skills) during my Bachelor and then, my Master's degree. Since, I want to work in video game industry !

I've always wanted to work in a creative environment. After finishing high school I enrolled at LISAA to study animation. I discovered that I did not enjoy animation whether it was 2D or 3D but I learned about compositing on Nuke. I've loved working on Nuke ever since and can't wait to work in the entertainment industry.

I've always had a passion for art, but recently discovered my love for creating all that is 3D.

Since i was a kid

I found out when i was quite young i was very excited whenever i saw interesting aliens and creatures from sci-fi movies and monsters from horror movies too. And i used to make little playdough characters of my own as well as space crafts and vehicles out of legos and now I am in a school for animation in Paris France and I could not be happier :)

When I was at high school I wanted to work in graphics but step by step I had animation career in my mind. And since I'm in my animation school at Paris, it's an evidence I want to work in the industry, to create new things every days and learn with masters of this industry.

My interest to work in the media and entertainment industry developed during my first studies in fine art, and after graduation. I tried to build a career in the field of animation but I lacked a lot of skills and the market was very small in my country.

I discovered my passion for FX and 3D when I first saw Avatar in the cinema.

I realise it when Avatar game out in 2008

In 2022 I changed career after trying medical school.

I took a chance and decided to transfer to a boarding school that would allow me to focus on visual arts and attend classes that would teach me animation. I loved expressing my concepts in this format the most and wanted to pursue a career in the animation industry ever since.