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I've been creating since the day I learned to draw. Starting in traditional arts, little by little I came to 3D. I appreciate how crafted sculpting and texturing feel. I hope to keep doing what I love and share it with other people!

When I was about 6 years old, I used to watch my brother playing video games and it made me want to participate in the creation of games

I've loved games and anmation since I was a child and I've continued tu pursue it as a carreer, learning so I am able to make my best contribution and deliver a great product.

I've always been a creative person but discovering videogames was when I fell in love with 3D. I knew immediately that I wanted to work in their making and create experiences that would forever remain in people's lives.

I can still remember when I was a kid and I saw Toys Story in full CGI, it was so realistic and so unbelievable, I was amazed. After I started to play video games and then an other passion grew.

When I was 17 years Old, I saw some work from creators and I was just like wow I want to do that ! And now here I am !

I always loved movies with visual effects, so when I was 13, I started learning 3d with blender in autodidact for fun but this hobby became more and more consuming... I decide to turn it into a job.

I always liked drawing, films and games and when I was 14 I decided to get a profession in the future that I'll enjoy. I decided to become a concept artist and since then I've been practicing and studying to reach that goal.

I initially wanted to pursue 2D animation since I was very young. Certain animated series had a profound impact on me, and I spent years drawing in the hope of turning it into my career after school. However, when I started exploring the field of 3D, I knew I had found something that suited me better and that I was deeply passionate about. I felt like I could create anything I wanted, and it was this feeling that sparked a change in my career aspirations and the goals I set for myself.

I discovered 3D at 12, tried some free licences/trials softwares like Blender/Cinema 4D and almost immediatly realised that i want to do that for the rest of my life ^^ When I realise the power of the infinite possibilities, I knew that I will never be bored, never since.

I guess it started when I connected with the world because of its colors, sounds and scents. I wanted to make someone fell the same, so I started with the tangible world, through industrial design and archictecture. Then I realized that what I was most excited about was creating and visualizing enviroments and props in 3D through my computer: the magical mix between arts and tech! Such a wonder!

I have been drawing since childhood, I have always been attracted by the creation of images strong in emotion, my dream is to work in the concept, especially in the films decors, but also in the 2d animation sector

I have studied in engineering and work with 3D model was what i want to do, in the end i fell in love with 3D animation.

Since I was I child, I dream about be an artist in so many ways. I like to create and enjoy art.

When I started delving more into film (especially animation) , I looked up all the how-it's-made documentaries and realized that was what i wanted to do

When producing creative content becomes a need.

Siempre me ha gustado todo lo que sea creativo ya que entras en flowstate, te olvidas de todo estas disfrutando de tu proyecto. Descubri el 3d a traves de los videojuegos y me entro curiosidad por ver como se hacian, asi acabe formandome en esta industria.

Mon parcours pour devenir 3D character artist a débuté avec Nintendo et s'est enrichi avec les jeux PlayStation, élargissant mes horizons via League of Legends sur mon premier ordinateur. La découverte de l'Idem Art School a orienté mes aspirations artistiques. Diplômé et major de promo en 2D-3D animation, je recherche un poste de 3D character artist, déterminé à contribuer à des projets novateurs. Ma passion inébranlable pour l'animation guide ma quête professionnelle.

I wanted to be in a creative industries since highscool but I was not exactly sure about which part I wanted to go and when I joined a creative art school I just started enjoying 3D

By watching animations movies! Every time I look at the work of animators I can't help it but I feel excited that maybe I too can be able to do the same thing

I've always had a pencil in my hand, but watching Gorillaz animations made me search more information about the industry and how it works.

About a decade or so ago I stumbled upon a breakdown of how they did my favorite 3D show, and it was facinating to see how it all came to life, ever since then it has been my mission to aid in the development of new creations!

I have loved video games ever since I was a child and my biggest dream is to be involved in the creation of them. Over the last few years, I have discovered that I really enjoy working in 3D and I would like the opportunity to learn as much as I can!