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I am always interested in Art and design since I was really young, however before I chose Computer animation as my major, I always thought I would become an illustrator. When I am first made a clay model in my high school, I realised my love for 3D art and creation, which makes me became a 3D animation student.

I started out making pixel art for game jams and fan games. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, which drove me to learn more and more about game art. I fell in love with 3D not long after, leading me to pursue it as a career. I graduated in 2020 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in CGI, in keeping with my personal tradition of having horrible timing.

When I was 10 playing with Warhammer figurines, reading the rule book with amazing illustrations and concepts in it.

I always loved cartoons and animated stories when I was a kid. I used to draw and recreate cartoon characters whenever I get a moment of free time. However, I realized my true ambitions of working in the 3D creative industry when I was 14. I saw the Behind The Scene Featurette video of the movie Brave by Disney Pixar. Seeing the breakdown and progression of the animation, I was so mesmerised and inspired by the techniques of 3D elements that I wanted to create something similar.

It was 2018 when I wanted to change my life in Turkey. Left everything behind and came to UK to study 3D stuff.

After playing Uncharted 4 and Battlefield 1 for the first time, the environments and atmosphere that those games had were the first time I was genuinely blown away by a game visually to the point where I wanted to be involved in the creative process on those environments (and i've been playing games my whole life).

Since I left school. Realized science wasn't for me and went to do my undergrad in creative media. I think I've always had an affinity for film and art for films but I never knew how or where to take this interest further until University.

Playing games and being interested about what actually goes into creating characters and assets.

As a child, I have always been drawn to creative work but it wasn't until studying Art and Design at university I realised that this could be a possible career for me. Study art at university led me to go on and study Computer Animation where I have become extremely passionate about telling stories using this visual medium.

I realised it when I was a child and my hobby became very important to me. I dedicated my studies to developing my art skills and learning what I want to do for the rest of my life.

When I started taking my art hobbies more seriously I decided to transfer from traditional to digital art which was a big turning point for me! I loved the creative freedom and opportunity to create iterations very quickly. I got really into illustration and concept art and eventually decided to study digital arts along with 3D animation in the UK and I've been pursuing it ever since!

I realised in my early teen years that I wanted to work in this industry. I was always mesmerised by CG film and enjoyed creating art from that young age.

As I graduated an Architect, I realized I loved visualizing buildings more than I loved constructing them. This had led me to follow the path of image making, what eventually made me passionate about the different fields of digital art.

It was a gradual process that first started when I studied art and drawing at school. My father is a photographer and cinephile which made me appreciate art and films and lead me to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.

It may sound cliche, but visual effects is a subject I have been fond of since I was a child. I still remember how Gollum from Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings films had fascinated my young mind and opened a door into the digital art world and I realised that there is a chance to be a part of the community who make the fantasy real. Since then I have become more aware of the processes and hard work that goes into the creation of believable CGI blockbusters.

I am Serban, a 21 years old 3D artist studying Computer Visualisation and Animation at Bournemouth University, UK. Being in love with digital arts since my early high-school days, I am looking to combine technology and arts into creating awesome pieces of CG work. My target is to find my way into the competitive VFX industry, spread the love and knowledge about CG and become a better version of myself. Every. Single. Day.

I realized I enjoyed making characters and environments and anything that appeared in my head when I was a kid and then when I found out I could do it for a living I was do I get there....?

From a young age, I have had a passion for creation, from lego constructions to realistic painting and my new found drive for creating believable 3D creatures in Zbrush and Maya. It is my consistent love to try something new and always wants to create something original. I am especially interested in prehistoric life, reconstructing these unusual and fascinating animals. I have just recently worked on a collaborative project with Dr Stuart Sumida, to bring these creatures back to life.

When I was in my young teens, I came across some amazing animated movies. Watching them on the big screen was a totally new experience. It completely overtook my mind. It was all I could think about. I began researching it more and more every day. I don't exactly remember when, but one night I resolved that I would become a part of this creative community and help people undergo a journey with me. The same one that I had as a child sitting in front of a big screen, watching a robot fall in love.

When I was very small. At first I wanted to be a taxi driver because driving is fun! But I realised that I loved creating characters and stories way more than what I assumed driving was.

As a child I found myself captivated by the transformative power of movies and their ability to transport audiences to extraordinary worlds and evoke genuine emotions. My creative soul and fascination for movies and games are the main reasons why I decided to pursue a career in the industry.

Contact: [email protected]. Thai Citizen, Use English (primary), Thai (native) Currently studying 3D animation, graduated with an Architect major, and doing 2d/3d art, concept art, animation, line art, pixel art, etc. My hobby is learning new trendy programs to improve my 3d and 2d art skills. Resume (2023):