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After Graduating from art school I developed a passion for 3D modeling and I’ve always loved gaming . So I decided I wanted to learn how to make game characters. My journey wasn't easy, It was long. I taught myself a lot and I've learned a lot from others.

I knew I want to work in the video game industry since I was young. I told my parents I wanted to be a videogame designer after watching one of those DeVry commercials that used to come on TV. At the time, I didn't even know what a game designer was and what game development entailed. I just knew they made games and that's what I want to do. As I got older and got more information, I realized I wanted to make the characters in the game. That led me into character art.

Prior to study 3D, I worked as a jewelry designer. I decided to change my career become 3D environment artist about 2 years ago.

About 3 years ago stumbled upon a time lapse of creating a dirty, rundown, train station in Blender. I was blown away at the beauty of the finished result and power that this program was capable of. I then began learning modeling on my own, watching YouTube videos, taking Udemy courses. I worked on my craft and studied the peripherals for the next three years. Vertex School Bootcamp gave me the structure I required to bring my art to the next level.

I started to take an interest in the game industry in high school. Until now i didn't have the chance to educate myself to be a candidate for a job until this year when i enrolled in the Game Art Institute Bootcamp for environment artists. I have learned a lot, and hope that my skills will be recognized.

It's been a long journey of going through generals and art schools that weren't quite ready for this medium. After that, I've been in tech support and project management positions but found these weren't places where my heart thrived. Only in recent years did I run into an epiphany and said "Hey! I've got to go back and make this happen! I'm not happy where I'm at!" So long story short, it's been a lifelong dream but only recently have I dived in deep

My journey to the entertainment industry changed path as I was growing up and slowly focused on a specific field. Originally I wanted to design cars and from that, I slowly made it, through concept art and character art to environment art. Today, my biggest dream is to be an artist who creates amazing environments that tell a story.

It's hard to say exactly what point the "realization" set in, because I can remember playing games like Final Fantasy VII in Kindergarten and brainstorming on what kind of games I'd hypothetically make some day. I think the moment of commitment came in high school, when I started helping some friends of mine put together a 3D environment for a tabletop-style RPG and begged my Mom for the use of her photoshop so that I could texture the thing.

I always like creating but it took me a while to find the right medium that suited me. No big moment just a lot of trial and error.

About 3 months ago I

I am a 3D artist. I create 3D game assets and Architectural visualizations.

Growing up as a little girl I always wanted to be an Architect and build things. After I grew up I started to develop a love and passion for video games and creative visual work. I love creating and building environments and 3d stuff. The rest is history now :)

During lockdown in 2020, I decided to use the time in isolation to pursue hobbies and interests I had no time for beforehand. After several months playing around with software on my own, I enrolled with Vertex schools Game Arts program to learn environment art in the hopes of starting a career.

When I was 22, during the pandemic when I feel deeply in love with gaming

I have always been intrigued by the behind-the-scenes videos of movies and games. Initially, my aspiration was to become a concept artist, but I later discovered the world of 3D and have been pursuing it ever since.

My fondest memory was in middle school when with the help of my friends, I created Blincks, a role playing game featuring Elas, Ignis, Aumia, and Amor as main characters. We also drew Djouba Badjinji another character displayed as their mortal enemy. It may have been an amateurish start, but it kindled in me a passion to create and design fictional worlds.

I've been into art as long as I can remember and video games since I played my first one as a small child. I love playing games very much but when I do, I can’t help but want to make them, more than anything. I’ve never been the kind of person who was content to sit by and consume media. No, I am and have always been a creator.

I have had a long-standing desire to work in the entertainment industry, dating back to 2010. However, due to influence from my family and others around me, I ended up pursuing a different career path. In 2022, I made the decision to change my career and pursue my passion of becoming a 3D character artist.

When I picked up my first Nintendo game in elementary school.

Since I was a child I was amaze by the charactars from any entertainment media, first i tried to be a 2D concept character artist and then move on to do the same but in 3D. In college was the first time i had my hands on zbrush and Maya since then I keep learning the tools and more softwares.

I've always been passionate about creating stuff. I've been playing games for 15 years+ I've got deeply attracted by 3D Arts back in 2017, while I was working as a QA Tester for EA Games. I've said to myself that it would be really awesome if I could create my own game characters, my own narrative, always keep myself up-to-date with the CG industry, and always learn along this long journey! Knowledge is power!

I've always been involved in the creative arts, with a love of film, video games and books. I graduated with a Creative Writing degree at Bangor University. But over time instead of conveying stories through words, I wanted to be able to visually create these stories through my own lens.