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I have been interested in creative media since early childhood, making stop-motion animation on the dining room table with clay and legos. I pursued higher education in film production from the University of Colorado Boulder. After graduation I realized my true passion was animation and completed additional schooling from CG Spectrum for game design and animation.

I started teaching English in china about 3 years ago and recently got a job that offers a lot of free time, so about 8 months ago at the beginning of 2020 I decided I wanted to learn a new skill and started dabbling in Maya. fell in love with 3D and decided to try and improve my skills and eventually pursue a career in the industry.

When I opened my World of Warcraft: Cataclysm artbook, it was a revelation to me that someone actually had to sit down and draw/paint all the amazing landscapes I walked through and badass creatures I fought, and I thought "I'd like to be paid to do that". I wanted to impart that same feeling of being completely immersed and engrossed simply by everyday artifacts, locations and characters they passed in some imaginary world.

Illustration and character design has been apart of my life for as long as I can remember. But as of recently, I have realized my passion just might become a full time gig for me! So excited to start this journey and meet more creatives!

Difficult to tell when I first realized to work in creative media and entertainment industry.. I alway was curious watching movies with special effects and animated characters: "how they do it?" When I saw some movies before and after.. that everything start with green screen shots and somehow it all becomes a movie, and every day when I watched new movie, tried to find any information how it was created, then I probably got carried away with all those thing and decided to learn it.

Just a few months ago

I have drawn since I was young, but I never did anything with it until I found blender. I was 13 at the time, I started to mess around I really enjoyed creating something from nothing, however, I was held back due to lack of a capable computer. I just recently got back into it again, my cousin asked me to model a space ship for him and once I started, I realized how much I enjoyed it. It is the perfect creative outlet for me.

I took my first online course to learn the basics of 3d modeling at the beginning of 2018 and fell in love with it. I have been taking online courses ever since to improve my skills. I decided to take it to the next level and enroll in CG Spectrum's Introduction to 3d Modeling course in April 2019. I have completed the course and I recently received my Diploma for the Advanced 3D Modeling Diploma Course in December 2020.

I have been Always into art through skateboarding and painting. I got into Digital painting through a graphic that my buddy needed for shirts and other products and discovered the world of digital art. I quickly began exploring all the possibilities be it rendering, sculpting and texturing, as well as drawing and painting. I fell in love and want to make a living out of my passion of art.

Around 2014 while playing with Blender, I slowly realized my interest in proceduralism and simulations and picked up Houdini I recently graduated from CG Spectrum (Advanced Houdini Diploma).

When I left university working through a degree I was not passionate about, I spent a lot of time playing video games and was always amazed at the illustration and design that went into creating the games I loved. Every since, I spend every second I can working towards becoming a better artist and designer.

I’ve wanted to work in the industry ever since I can remember. I have been hard core gaming for at least ten years and designing cosplay for myself and my friends as well as designing D&D campaigns and drawing my own concept characters and environments.

Around 2016 I realised that concept art and illustration was my calling. I'd graduated university (BA in Fine Art) in 2014 and I'd been drifting for a few years in an office job I hated. I was terrible at making art for arts sake, I loved film and games and the art that went into their production. In 2017 I started studying with CG Spectrum and I truly fell in love with concept art and knew it was what I wanted to do for a living.

I figured out why I love messing around with sketching and design so much, I thrive off creating new worlds.

I grew up as a Star Wars fan. The theme of space, spaceships, fictional planets, weapons, models and visual effects used in movies impressed me a lot (still does). They helped me to decide to become the part of a science fiction and fantasy movie production team.

During the pandemic, I took the chance to pivot from a successful hospitality career into the world of game design. After working in an indie studio as the QA manager, and having time to meddle with coding, animation and 3D work through the help of the team, I realised that my passion lay with 3D modelling and character creation. As a long time gamer, we should have seen this coming sooner! After self learning with the help of our VFX team, I am thrilled to have joined CG Spectrum in 2022.

When Covie hit I lost my job and I was bored and learn how to do a bit of modding for some games. When I was learn the tools I found that this was super fun and what I want to do with my life so

I've wanted to work in this industry ever since I watched the making of the Lord of the rings, and discovered Blender. But I didn't give myself the means to achieve this dream at the time. And took a safer path ... Until I realized I couldn't let go of my dream without a serious try ! So I took the decision to switch careers in July 2020, when I enrolled at CG Spectrum to learn 3D modeling. Now I'm finally on track to do what I love !

I think at first it was more of a realisation that I wanted to make these amazing things that I saw on the screen. Movies like Star Wars, Jurassic Park and Toy Story made a strong impression on me when I was young. It was only later in my early twenties when I really knew that this is the kind of work that I wanted to do.

I grew up playing games such as WOW, Destiny, Dark Souls, and i always appreciated animation, id watch behind the scenes and read art books but never considered getting into it until i worked my first job as a host... i hated it and i became extremely motivated to pursue something i was passionate about, i quit so i could fully focus on this and achieve my dream. I am responsible for my own happiness and i will succeed.

Learning game development unlocked a new chapter of my software development journey, it was very different, vibrant, and much more fun to tackle! That's how I knew how hard it'll be to look back at traditional IT jobs.