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Cela fait depuis quelques années que je m'intéresse à la 3D je dirais vers mes 14 ans. J'ai commencé par manipuler Première pro, after effect mais aussi cinéma 4D et depuis je n'arrête pas de me renseigner et d'en apprendre toujours plus sure le sujet. Aujourd'hui je suis en étude d'amination 3D dans une école je travaille principalement avec 3DS MAX et substance painter, mais en parallèle je me forme à Houdini.

I don't remember exactly when, but it was during a good game or an incredible animated movie and at that point I wonder how they can do that. It's amazing, I want to know how they work to do that.

I used to draw during my free time or whenever I was getting bored, then when the question of higher studies came I knew I wanted to work in the creative media and entertainment industry, only had to look for a school.

When i realised I could'nt stop drawing and create.

When I started doing stop motion animated films back in 2012. I have been a fan of 3D and video games since my childhood and always wanted to know how these works of art were made and create my own 3d projects

I realized that when I accepted I failed in my tattoist training

I realised that i wanted to work in the creative media when i was in high school. I decided to learn the bases of arts in Brassart before going on a 3D formation.

I think it was at the end of high school where I had fun with free 3D software by making small animations and modeling. And when I knew that there were dedicated schools for that I jumped at the opportunity.

I want to work in this creative media since I was a child, I like to create a new asset or an environment.

It's been a long time. Maybe since i m really young and after a couple years of drawing. But I think, things have changed since I started to play video games. When you see a Video games or Movie like Final Fantasy, Lord of the Ring or God of War and other master piece of course you want to be a part of this big picture.

When I was in highschool, 2016.

Les films de DreamWorks ont bercé toute mon enfance, particulièrement la fabuleuse trilogie Dragon. J’ai grandi avec cette trilogie, elle m’a émerveillé une grande partie de mon enfance. J’attendais avec impatience que la suite sorte au cinéma pour connaitre la suite de cette histoire. Ces films mon émerveillé aussi bien scénaristiquement que graphiquement. Puis un jour, à mes 18 ans, j'ai eu un déclic. Je me suis alors réorienté pour travailler dans ce domaine qui me fasciné.

When I started to work in a factory, I really knew that I wanted to make 3D

I discovered my passion for the creative industries when I was 13. It was at this age that I became interested in 3D and video editing. Initially, it was just for fun and to express my imagination through a screen. As time went by, I realized how fascinating these fields were, and so I continued to develop my skills and explore new ways of expressing myself through visual creativity.

I've always wondered about the way animated films are made, without knowing that one day I'd be able to make a living out of it.

I realised it when I was 15-16 years old i think !

We made a 7 minutes short film, with my class, for the end-of-year film at Brassart school

Watching Michel Ocelot's films when I was a child convinced me to make movies with strong and unique art direction and great stories like those.

3 years ago, I knew that I wanted to work in gaming industry when I found out I took fun on spending time on 3D software everyday.

I want to work in the entertainment industry since 3 years, but I've always wanted to have an artistic job. When I was a kid, I was drawing a lot and I never stop drawing or thinking about telling stories.

I've always wanted to create by drawing, or more recently, doing 3d stuff

I realised I wanted to work in this industry when I first watched Mune : Le Gardien de la Lune. The association of 3D and 2D aspects, in addition to the mood and colors, woke up my curiosity. I then started to explore the universe of animation films and end up studying in this field.