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Ever since I was little, I've always loved video games/cinema. so it was only natural that I should go into this field.

Je savais que je voulais travailler dans l'industrie du cinéma/jeu vidéo depuis mes 12 ans en m'intéressant au montage vidéo. Puis j'ai découvert le monde de la 3D et la passion est venue d'elle-même.

I understood that I wanted to be part of this sector of activity around 13 yo. I have always been passionate about cinema, video games and Japanese animation. But the financial difficulties to integrate a school in France were big, so I had to go to work to save money. Before joining a school, I tried a lot of different types of job, such as events, catering, hotels, security, but none fascinated me as much as the artistic creation of multimedia content. I've join a 3D school at 21Yo.

After a work accident in a DIY store then 9 years of business as a designer of kitchen and dressing areas in 3D, came a strong questioning which was the first sign of my desire to change my life: "Don't I want to have a professional activity that fascinates me, that would give meaning to what I do every day and that would allow me to really flourish?" After some research and reflection, my attention was quite naturally directed towards the entertainment industry like FX artist

I've been drawing most my life, mostly character design and environment experimentation. Spent a lot of my free time experimenting, trying new stuff and expressing my feelings and my imagination has always given me happiness .I've always been passionate about art (2D illustration, traditional drawing, digital drawing), but 3D was a revelation for me mostly thanks to animations films and series like Arcane for their design and animation proprieties , or even videos games like The Last Of Us.

Ever since I was little, I've dreamed of working in the world of video games. I've always been very creative, so I decided to go into 3d and realize what I've always dreamed of doing.

I've been interested in drawing since a very young age, and in my early teens I started looking into 3D art as a career. I've always been enthralled by film and animation as well.

Since the age of 12/13 I've been passionate about video games and films of all kinds, which led me to take an interest in more than just playing or watching. So I've been looking into how to create a game, the detailed steps involved etc. That's when I got interested in 3D and decided to study it.

I knew I wanted to work in the creative industry as soon as I started drawing during covid. Art became a passion. Then I got interested in digital art and wanted to do 2D animation. I loved animation and got interested in 3D. Then I discovered this school and I love it, I feel I belong here.

When I was in high school, I experienced video games and was facinated. I'm interested in designing and making the world and characters of games.

When I started playing video games, it became a passion.

I first realised that I wanted to work in creative industries because I grew up looking at animation films. I wanted to be the next one to make films that would reach out children like I was, and make them dream.

I've always wanted to work in the 3D industry, after my studies I did a little bit of freelancing, and now that I've finished my DemoReel, I feel ready to take on an official position in a studio. After a hybrid training, I'm as good at creating VFX assets as I am at game ready.

Since a long time ago but i thought it will be impossible without long studies , but i found a shool to learn basics and general 3D in 1 year so i'm in

I've always loved to create, throughout my scholarship I've always preferred the subjects that allowed me to express my creativity, whether through sculpture, drawing, painting... Besides that I also spent a lot of time on my computer. So once I finished my studies, I naturally went to a a 3d graphic designer school and I quickly realized that this was what I wanted to do in my life, working in the 3D cinema industry. The more my training progresses, the more I am excited about this idea !

My passion for game development comes from a childhood steeped in art, architecture, books, games, and music. I’ve watched my parents play and create things my whole childhood and I’ve played and created ever since. And having a hyperactive imagination, I knew I wanted to craft for players around the world fun, innovative, and compelling experiences.

Since I was little, I used to play video games constantly and I still do to this day. So I thought it would be fun to create my own games in the future because I thought it would be something that I would be interested in for my future career.

Tous mes centres d'intérêt ont toujours tourné autour de l'industrie créative que ça soit par le dessin, le montage vidéo, le scénario ou la 3D. La passion de regarder des dessins animés étend enfant as fini, avec le temps, par développer ma passion pour les créer. Je ne veux plus être un spectateur mais bien un acteur de cette instruire, en apportant mes compétences à un projet.

I've always had a passion for video games, ever since I was a child, and as I grew up I turned to a computer science background, programming being the only path I could take through school, but I didn't really like it. That's when I discovered 3d, and I fell in love with the training and wanted to make it my profession.

I have wanted to work in those industries since my fourteen's. I had a regular school career. Once i reached my tewentieth birthday, I joined the Objectif 3D school. Since I'm in this school, I want to improve my performances in many domains.

Since I was little I've been a fan of cinema, I love it and I enjoy creating thoughts, I'm up to date in all areas of cinema I keep up to date with the news in this area via Twitter accounts or other. So I'd like to put my knowledge at the service of my passion and progress along my creative path.

La première fois que je me suis rendu compte que j'avais envie de faire ma vie dans ce métier c'est quand j'ai vu le filme Avatar. J'étais au collège.