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I always drawing and like to imagine new things, new concepts, new worlds. I put it aside for a long time and in 2017 I realized I would like to work in one of these studios which creating all of these beautiful artworks and movies then I focused on my journey to reach this goal!

I realise that i wanted to work in creative industries when I watched The lord of the ring duiring my childhood

Since I was a little girl, I have been fascinated by art. When I was about 13 years old I was completely amazed by the artwork of the league of legends games. And since then, I know for a fact that my dream is to work in the art industry, and live from my passion. Creation is something so exciting for me, and I know that this flame of passion I have for art will not go away. I always do my best for art and i'll never stop to do my best and learn more and more new things !

c'est a mes 10 ans que j'ai voulus travaille dans cette industrie

A family friend used my gaming computeur for one of his visual creation a few years ago, that how everything started

I've always been fascinated about artistic creation. When I was kid, I thought I'll be animator 2D. Then, things didn't go as planned. I join High School in Belgium of Game Art. After 2 years, I changed my mind and decide to stop this formation to begin an other one. Now, I work as educator. I try to help minors who have committed offences. I love that but I miss my old passion about art. So, at 25 years old, I decide to join Institut Artline (3D-VFX school), in addition to my current work.

Ever since I was young, I knew drawing is the only thing I could do somehow (maybe not properly but yeah). I know I can draw better than I can cook, sadly.

Hi ! I'm Nicolas. I returned to studies 3 years ago and I am already closing the Artline Institute pages. I'll let you look at some concept art that I created this year with passion !!

I always wanted to work in Art, but I was thinking that is was impossible for me. My parents at this time, between 16 and 18 years old, didn't help me and tell me that's science is better than Art. Later, when I was an Ingineer, I realise that it wasn't my place and that I really wanted to have my dream job. So I resigned and went to an online art school, artline.

After big health issues I realised that Art is what I need to do. Especially Characters/Props and Illustration. I love to explore, to experiment, to create visuals from ideas. A year ago, I joined Artline Institute to reinforce my skills.

I have always liked to create. As far as I can remember, drawing has always been a way to build, to dream of other worlds, to share. Today a neuropsychologist, I want to become a professional in the video game and animation sector, a dream that I hope will one day become a reality

In 2022 after i decided to change my work life and do what i love

I've been drawing since I was little, and after a school course in maths and engineering I decided to change paths to do something I really loved. i did 4 years in BELLECOUR ecole lyon then in artline institute

3 years ago after a science certificat in physical optics I realize I would be happier in an art carrer

After 20 years working as an architect, I decided to change my life to enter a creative world where the child I always wanted to be behind the adult I became could share and materialize his dreams.

I became interested in the creative industry after my baccalaureate and a year of medical school. I realized how important my passion for drawing was in my life and decided to reorient myself and study drawing in order to develop my skills.

I think I always knew that I would like to work in Animation, it has always facinated me.

Since 2017, I've wanted to develop games that are engaged and that (in a very humble way...), could change the world or at least help make it more tolerant, caring and inclusive! My goal is to do this with people who share my desire for a revolution in the industry and who want to achieve this both artistically and politically while taking a critical look at society but also at our own work. In other words, to create games that deconstruct the prejudices of others as well as our own!

When I was a child I loved to draw but don't really know how it can be possible to me to become an artist, specially in the entertainment industry. I grew up and now I answer to this question, I had some opportunities which helps me to step up and I think I'm ready for the industry.

I am passionate about this world since I was a kid! It felt just obvious to me to work in there.

When I discovered the photography and motion design, I directly knew that's what I want to do in my life.

4 years ago i was making a personal project for a rock band. A short movie using Unity / Modo / Substance Painter. It was a self-taught project and i was blocked, i wanted more quality. How to create pro content quality with production process. So i found Institut Artline and i sent this rock band project. Yohan Blanc, the director, call me to integrate directly the mastère 3D VFX. I met Houdini in this course and now i use it every days.

When I was kid, i was watching a lot of animation movies and also playing at video games a lot, and I realized that the creative media was just an infinite world of creation and communication so i fall in love !