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I used to doodle lots of weird creatures during class in school. This was how I learned that I love to create creatures and other things that don’t exists. Later I got into a school focused on 3D-art although I had no experience in the field of game art (or 3D-art for that matter). I’ve been attending Playgroundsquad for almost a year now, and I’ve learned so much. I love creating 3D characters and aim to learn even more! One day soon I will be working professionally in the industry!

I remember getting a Game Boy Color for Christmas as a kid and was utterly mesmerized by the technology. Already then I felt like it was something I wanted to explore and work with in some way. To me, games and interactive media is the most interesting form of expression.

I felt the need to change career path and focus on being able to express my creative side. I have always had a passion for video games from a young age and being a 3D artist for games gives me the chance to achieve both of these goals!

I have been doing art for most of my life never really thinking much of it, and definetely not as a career choice. I was originally wanting to become a cook, but When I was close to graduating middle school one of my siblings had enrolled in a high school for game art which I didn't know existed at the time. Once I got wind of there being schools for game creation, and a lot of them specifically in sweden, i decided this was the path I wanted to go.

When I played my first game basically, it opened my eyes to a whole new world of entertainment and visual storytelling. And I am a creative individual who learns by trial and error and exploring different workflow approaches that satisfies my personal desire to create. I work great both in individual tasks and cooperative settings. Feedback is something I take value in and I always strive to better myself in every field of work.

In my mid 20's I wanted to do something else besides classical music and after testing blender and trying to make my own game demos I was hooked.

I have enjoyed books, art and games since I was young and it always served as a nice escape from reality for me so I am currently studying game development to try and help spread that happiness to other people.

I was studying computer science and had a class about 3D modelling which also included rigging and animation. After that class I wanted to continue working with it! I had already an interest in art and this was right up my ally.

I have a background in criminology but always had this passion for games and creating realistic art, expressed through many hours on my PlayStation and in front a sheet of paper. I then recently discovered 3D art and thought it seemed really fun to do, so in middle of 2022 I decided to chase a dream of mine - working with games and learning 3D, by applying to a game art school. And I got accepted! A new journey awaits.

As a kid growing up my dad worked in a game studio, through middle school we got an opportunity to follow our parents to their jobs and that was my first experience in the video game industry, I was very inspired by it and met some amazing artists that made me want to get into the same industry as them.

After playing multiply rpg games and watching a couple of well made movies/series.

I have always had a passion and love for drawing, but I never really wanted to become an artist until I got introduced to 3D art.

I found a fascination with games and the creativity put into them when I was a child. After finding a form of artistic talent, it morphed into a combination of the two things I liked together.

When I was first introduced to 3D game environments in my childhood, especially the original Zelda:Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64.

I was recommended a folk high school that offered courses in game design, art and programming and it was there I found the world of game development.

I grew up with video games as my outlet, and I've always been fascinated by how they are developed. It's long since been my dream to be a part of the game development industry.

I began drawing at a young age, and never stopped! At first I aimed to become a 2D animator for film, but after a while I began thinking about other possibilities and ended up studying game art. Fitting, considering the colorful critters of Pokémon are my biggest inspirations.

I started off doing graphic design in my early teens, and for the last couple of years, I've been getting into 3d game art. Right now my sights are set on environments, although I do some general prop work as well.

Ever since I played some of my first Video Games on the WII

I've always loved making art ever since I was young, I first realized I wanted to work in the creative industry when I found out it was a valid and possible career path.

I have wanted to work in creative industries ever since I was a little kid.

I realised I wanted to work in art when I was a kid. I've always been interested in creating and expressing myself and being creative.