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As long as i can remember i have always wanted to do something with art.3D was something that really stuck with me and i have been exploring and learning about it ever since.

I've always had interest in creating cool looking things,. When I found where my passion laid, I realised it could be my career, on the condition of massive amounts of study and dedication. I first was taught basic 3D skills in college (2015) and continued developing 3D skills way into university. I have now graduated but understand that the expectations for a professional are a million times higher than that of a university student, so now my 3D art journey continues!

Still not sure what I am doing

I realised I wanted to work in the creative industry from a fairly young age. After finishing school, I enrolled into a collage for art. During these years I improved my skills and prepared myself for the possibility of working in the industry. Sadly I had not yet fully decided where I wanted to hone my skills but after a couple more years of study and life experiences I decided that 3D and 2D art is my calling. And thus my adventure continues, striving for a happy ending!

When I was 10 playing with Warhammer figurines, reading the rule book with amazing illustrations and concepts in it.

From a very young age watching shows like walking with dinosaurs etc

I knew I wanted to tell stories from a really young age. As I started playing games and watching movies I realised those are the stories I want to help create. Today I'm studying full time to reach that goal!

The shift in mentality happened about four years ago, when I discovered a series of very skilled artists talking frankly about their discipline as something to be cultivated and learned from nothing, instead of a talent that was always inherent in them. Industry level artists such as Noah Bradley showing off their rookie drawings and their learning journey was an eye opener, and galvanised me to become more serious about my self-directed studies.

My story is much like everyone else who pursues a joyous career in arts & media (though more specifically for me is Concept Art in games), it comes from the need to express ourselves visually and creatively, which started when I was a child. Back then I had an affection for both drawing and growing up playing on retro game consoles with my brother, and with age slowly came the wisdom to pursue a career that combined both.

When I was a child I was obsessed with film and animation and knew I wanted to work in the field. I didn't know exactly how or what I wanted to do, so I just started drawing in hopes I would be able to create something as cool as I saw on the big screen or in video games. As I got older, and more educated in the area, I became more interested, and find myself constantly looking to improve my artistic and technical skill.

I realised I wanted to work in film and games when I was very young, maybe about 14/15. I had watched the first Thor movie, and when I saw the concept designs and different ideas created just for the costumes, I knew I wanted to do that! I was already doing art and tracing my favourite Disney characters, but it was once I realised my interest that I really began to take art seriously!

When I was 16 I bought my first graphics tablet. From then on I realized that making amazing digital art is not quite as unreachable as a skill as I first thought. Still trying to learn it doe.

When I was 16 I stumbled across online and realised that this passion I had for drawing could actually be turned into a potential career path. Ever since I have worked hard to make that dream a reality.

I have always been really creative. Drawing, painting, sculpting, so I really wanted to do something with that. And then one day I saw a breakdown of a Final Fantasy clip. I was blown away and decided after some more research that I wanted to be a part of something similar.

I have been doing digital art for many years now, but in 2018 I decided to become a concept artist. I have been a freelancer for the past year.

I love everything around Art, so my dream was to work as an artist. The creative media industry is perfect for me and I love it.

I realized I wanted to work in the industry back in 2016, after leaving the oil industry I wanted to work in something creative and along side other amazing artist. Coming from a small city it was hard to even consider doing what I do now as it was so out of reach at the time. After I moved to the UK things really picked up and I am now on the road, one step at a time towards the end goal.

I have been drawing and taking photos for as far as I can remember, filling up boxes and boxes of art. There is really nothing else I can see myself doing. I discovered 3D less than 4 years ago and developped a passion for it: I've been expressing myself through modeling and sculpting ever since.

I'm drawn to the creative industry because it allows me to express my unique perspective and ideas. I'm passionate about art, design, and innovation and want to collaborate with like-minded individuals to inspire others. I'm eager to bring my artistic vision to life and make a meaningful impact through my work.

I've always had a fascination with creating. Whether through the Lego's I played with or the paint splats on paper which proudly adorned my families fridge in my younger years. As my sophistication with the medium grew I found greater fascinations in visual stories. What we wear, how we carry ourselves, the imprints we make on our homes and the environment around us. We wear our histories on our backs and a career where I can show that would be nothing short of a dream come true for me.

When I first learned to draw and started creating characters, it was an enjoyable hobby, then later found out that it was a job role someone could have. That is when I actively started working towards having a job within the creative industry.