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Art Of Khudeejuh

Art Of Khudeejuh

Khadijah Khatib
by khudeejuh on 27 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Hi! My name is Khadijah and I am a concept artist/illustrator from Malaysia. Here's some of my more recent works, enjoy!

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Telling Stories

Illustrations are a great way to tell stories. Colour and composition plays a really big role in manipulating the  mood and feeling of a story.  Here are some of the matte painting and key art illustrations I have done so far. 


Portraits are one of my favourite subjects to draw. It's simplicity is refreshing and painting them is always quite fun and therapeutic for me. 


Concept Art

Inked is a project featuring a set of 3 tattoo artists and their pets. Each characters's tattoos are inspired by their own cultures, style and attitude while their pets are tattooed with a similar style as their owners as well.

Momoko's tattoos are inspired by Japanese pop culture while her fashion style reflects off cute Harajuku street wear. 

Paithoon is a Thai tattoo artists whose tattoos are inspired by Muay Thai Sak Yant tattoos. Her sense of style is edgy and leans towards a more punky and intimidating look. 

Yasemin's tattoos on the other hand are of Turkish floral ceramic patterns. She's a posh woman who rocks a more glamorous look with her naked Sphynx cats.

For this concept, I went for a more bolder style by mixing in some thicker strokes and scribbles onto the characters.


Minang is a concept based of  Minangkabau culture. 

It is a story about the hardship of a poor old rice farmer and her pet buffalo, who is struggling to maintain and harvest the paddy field due to her old age. 

This project was the first time I experimented with designing more stylised, 3d animation appropriate concepts. In the process of creating these designs, I learnt how to push shapes and silhouettes.

The Grand Cirque

The Grand Cirque is a steampunk themed concept based around a freak show ran by the Burns siblings. The siblings are ringleaders who run their circus with cruelty and put their performers through torturous training regimes so they don't misbehave.

With this project I had the chance to try the photo-montage method for the first time, to create a more realistic finishing to the designs.


Alma is a story set in a cyberpunk afro-vodou world where the world is split by traditional Vodou belief and advanced technology powered by crystal energy. This project focuses on the main character's struggles with the two conflicting streams of belief.

As this is a group project, the challenges in doing this project was being able to be consistent in the style choices  across the group. Figuring out the different story branches and having endless of possibilities with how the story could flow also made making decisions harder.

Here's the concepts I've contributed to this project

Azacca is a 65 year old Voodoo practitioner and the leader of the Voodooist survivors. She is traditional and is against technological modernization. She once used to rule the city until her daughter took over and won over the hearts of the citizens.

The Kunzoya is a creature whose body has been modified with mechanical parts by the antagonist and is powered by crystal energy. It is viscious and attacks under the command of Azacca's daughter. 

Thank you for reading!

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