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Lazuli The Spider Queen/Overwatch: Route 66 Fanart

Lazuli The Spider Queen/Overwatch: Route 66 Fanart

Mario Stojanov
by MarioStojanov on 1 Jun 2022 for Rookie Awards 2022

This is my Rookies portfolio which contains the character, environment art, and everything else for the game Ohja and the final project of my academic year at M3DS Academy.

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Life is funny sometimes. Take me for example. :)
When I was in high school I loved 2D animation but I hated all 3D-related things. And then one day at college when I was signing up for my upcoming classes there was a class called “Computer Animation” and I thought to myself cool I will learn how to animate in 2D.Plot twist it was a Maya course. And ever since I fell in love with 3D.
That year, I discovered “M3DS Academy for visual arts”, and joined a couple of “Game Design” competitions hoping for a scholarship. My luck being as it is I got none but never gave up so I got a job earned some money and applied for the academy year in 2020 and finished in September 2021.

After a couple of months me and some of the other students, the ones who were selected as the best of our generation started working on the game “Ohja”. And now here we are. 

Next, how the spider Lazuli looks ingame :)

When we started creating and thinking about the concepts and the characters for our game Ohja our concept artist had an idea for a spider to be the final boss and I was assigned with creating that character and environment. But unfortunately, we decided that the concept didn't look like the FINAL BOSS enough. 

And one night I was thinking of what might that look like. So I started associating the spider and how she would be represented by different words but the one that stuck with me was death. Nothing represents death better than the grim reaper and that doesn't go well with a spider, but the next best thing is a skull so I started sketching and tried to fuse the spider with the skull. Making it look like they are one of the same/otherworldly.

So, here are the first concepts and ideas... and of course the inspiration and the mood board.

Also, the spider has its own defenders (and also the concepts)

Step by step Creating Process of the main spider Lazuli in ZBrush, making the UV Maps and passes.

These are the props for the environment in the game Ohja, a breakdown of the props and also some environment shots.

At the M3DS Academy, the instructors asked us to model our home or a place that we feel most conformable, soooo.. I created my home where I felt most passionate. 
Yeah, you guessed it. It's fan art of the Game Overwatch: Route 66 :)

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