Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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Search Filters: Hong Kong Baptist University
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When I was young I have been fascinated by the idea of drawing frame-by-frame animations and then watching them move when strung together. The whole process feels magical! But I have only really gotten into the hobby seriously after I started to learn 3D for my degree course. Since then, I have been trying out various aspects in the creative industry, from modelling, lighting, box opening animations, to other non 3D fields such as motion graphics and sound design.

When I was creating my Final Year Project at University. I enjoy building different scenes and using light to create an atmosphere with emotion. 'Trying to make a world that people desire to go to.' I hope to use 3D to create a surreal environment that people yearn for.

I realize that I wanted to work in the industry after I got my full-time job offer and worked for around 2years, which is a VFX company. I know nothing before I get into this field and now it is my interest to learn all the related information and knowledge.

I am passionate about the art of cinema. The way a movie can take you to a different world and evoke such strong emotions is absolutely remarkable. Whenever I watch an exceptional movie, I feel inspired to create something that can have the same effect on others.