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I've been exposed to videogames since birth, PS2 Kingdom Hearts was my first game and since then i've only got deeper inside videogames, movies and series. It's so much work, but i think the moment I spend a year creating something new with a team and watch it come to reality... Everything will be worth it.

I was 21 and I decided to change my life, quitting the university to follow my dreams.

Two years ago, I discovered the wonderful world of 3D. I started learning in school and I enjoyed so much that I started to spend my free time learning and doing my own projects.

After being introduced to my first 3D classes i fell in love with the amount of potential of CGI.

Since I was little I like to draw all kinds of scenarios. And for about 3 years I discovered this world of 3D and conceptual art. And actually I am a concept art, 3D design and animation student . I just finished these studies and now I am working on my portfolio.

When I played Zelda Ocarina of Time.

My passion for the art of cinema and video games comes from a long time ago, I really started to be interested when I was 14 years old watching movie breakdowns, that's where I started to investigate this world and start learning by myself, but it has not been for a couple of years that I have become a passion and I hope in the future in a profession.

I realised when I was a kid that playing videogames wont pay my bills but making them. Then I started to fall in love with 3d development, the idea of having a concept, a core idea and be avaiable of making something real out of it.

I'm learning hard surface in the school and on my own, learning and improving everyday

When I was younger, the first time I played Dragon Age Inquisition and Assassins Creed, I was so amazed for those games that I decided to become a 3d Artist.

When I finished high school I spent many hours of my time learning more about the video game industry. First I felt a great curiosity about 3d animation and I studied at the art and design school in Tarragona. There I realized that it was not my thing, that 3d modeling called me more. So I ended up studying at Cev Barcelona another higher cycle of video game development there I improved my quality of work developing my own projects and for the first time a portfolio of works.

Since Im little and fell in love with videogames like Mario, Halo, Skyrim...Everthing seemed interesting for me, even if the gameplay wasnt for me, I always admired the visual and the art in every game. When some years passed, I discovered the game development industry, the 3D industry and in that moment I knew I wanted to dedicate my life to this art.

Since i was in the secondary school , after i saw Avatar for the first time i loved the VFX used in the movie and started to be a bit interested in how these things were done, so after some years i begun my journey and now i want to see how far i can go.

Before I got into 3D, I started a biology degree, but I lasted a few weeks because I realised that it wasn't what I really liked. What I had always liked since I was a child was to develop my creativity, so I decided to change direction towards animation and modelling.

I first realized that I wanted to work in this industry since I was 14 years old. I watched the Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith Bonus DVD, where it explained how the movie was made and how the concept artist works creating and designing amazing planets. That was the moment I knew I wanted to work in 2D art environment for movies / games at some point in my life, so I started practicing. Then I thought that maybe I would enjoy doing 3D too, so I started learning software!

A few years ago i dropped out my university and I started looking for studies related to video-games. I found a technical degree in video-games, there I discovered the 3D and since then I never stopped learning as much as I could to be able to develop my skills

Well, since I was very little I loved playing videogames and I always admired the people behind it,because I didn't understand how they make such a realistic model or game.Then a few years ago I decided that I wanted to be in that world and after studying and seeing all the process of a videogame I finally decided to make 3D characters and art.

Since I started in this industry

One day, I realized that art is the best way to tell stories and connect with other people, which I believe is one of the most fulfilling things you can do in your life (if not the most one).

I realized I wanted to work in 3D industry when I finished my secondary studies and I discovered a summer 3D course in FX Animations, which I did then and I loved.

When my grandfather brought home what was my first console SNES. I fell in love with video games and have been studying since then to dedicate myself to it.

I've been playing videogames since I was really young, so I wanted to make people happy the same way the videogames made me feel!

When I was 10 and realized that it was possible to have a job in the team of a film production the decision was taken. I didn't stop learning new things since then.