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When I was in middle school I started thinking about creating a visual novel so I started drawing the characters and I realised that I really liked the idea of creating a video game, but what I liked the most was to create the characters and to find new ideas to make the game entertaining.

I always wanted to work in creative industries but I was afraid because it was considered as a "passion job". After 4 years of studying computer science, I finally choose to enroll in an art school oriented in Video Games.

I got into 3D when I was 15, at the time I wanted to do 3D to combine my architectural skills and create environments the way I wanted. I continued my studies in architecture, until I received remarks from my teachers who told me that I could never design what I wanted, for many reasons, money, structure, gravity... So I decided to pursue my studies in 3D creation, in order to realize anything I wanted without creative limits. 3D allows me to develop all my projects on multiple media.

I realised I wanted to work in the creative industry after a first year at the uni in which I understood that I wasn't made for this, and that I wanted to use my hobby as a work. I've always lived around video games when I was a child as a safe place, I hope I can help other children to get one too.

I've always loved drawing and similar creative work, but i first went into environmental sciences. During that first year, i started drawing more and more and watching videos dissecting animations in excrutiating details. Once i had drained all of the 7-hour long videos TBSkyen had to offer, i came realize that i'd like to be on the other side of that passion and create animations that would warrant hours of interest.

Since I'm little, I draw a lot and I'm particularly interested by the creation of new characters and backgrounds linked to universes I imagine. I've also always been fascinated by video games and the way I can immerse myself in it. With time, I understood that I really wanted to create universes where people could interact.

When I was a child, it was my dream. But growing up, I never attempted to make it come true... Now, after trying several studies and works, I knew it was time to create video games. I am now one hundred percent comited to work in creative industries !

Since my childhood

I've always nurtured the idea since young, but took it seriously since i was 20. Let's GO !

I first realised I wanted to work in creative industries in high school. I always loved video games, animation films and creating some little stuffs. I showed interest in illustrations during high school and wanted to progress and also learn to do some animations.

I realized that I wanted to work in the creative industries when I was 15, saying to myself that I wanted to make people dream visually in the way that artists in the animated film and video game industry do.

From my childhood, after i discovered Zelda: Ocarina of Time on nintendo 64. Those days i have seen the potential of arts, emotions and story that can bear video games. And that is why i enter in creative industries, to create video games that can create satisfaction, feeling and experiences.

I realized I wanted to work in creative industries early, as I was creating multiple content with friends from the short film to the game environment for games communities.

Drawing was always a passion for me since I was young. I didn't realise I could find my dream job in this industry until recently because I wasn't aware of these opportunities before. Now I really want to give my best to succeed !

After my first year in Biologie class, I realise I wanted to do something more creative in my life. In some way I think I want to impress people. Giving them the little sparke and making them think they can do it too ! Besides that, I always drew as a child, this passion followed me through the years. In my family, we all are artists (digital or traditionnal painters) so going into an artschool was a bit like my dream came true. And I'm really gratefull for what I have !

When I was in high school.

I first realised that I wanted to work in creative industries after I made my BTEC in IT section. Working in video games was one of my childhood dreams. I letted that behind me when I growed up. But after my graduation of BTEC, I realised I wanted to work in my passion, letting the IT as a back-up plan.

I realised I wanted to work in this industries when I was 16

I draw since I am a kid. I later discovered video games, it became my other passion. I started learning 3D art three years ago and I recently graduated from e-artsup with a Game Art bachelor. I am currently searching for a job in the video game industry.

Since I was a child, I love drawing and I knew I wanted to work in the creative media. I discovered my passion for 3D during my studies and it was at the same time that I wanted to work in the video game industry.

I've always been into video games and film , I've drawn for as far as I can remember , But I've realised it when I was 17 when I needed to choose a school after high school . At that time I wasn't sure if I wanted to go in this industry but when I started my first week at school I realised that it was the good choice and that I've found my path , and now in 2020 I'm an intern character artist and I'm more happy than ever before .

When I was in middle school and we were asked to think about a future career, initially I thought about a sports-related profession because I was already athletic. However, I saw it more as a default choice. Deep down, I wanted to create things, so I persisted in the creative field like a dreamy child.

3D artist & Sound design - Work at @doze_studio Member of @nopecollectif

I've always loved playing video games, I got interested in the process of making them, and that's when I wanted to make a living out of it.