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Maximilian Gonnet
by MaximilianGonnet on 8 May 2024

3D action-adventure game, alternating between chase and exploration on an unknown planet to recover your memory.

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3D action-adventure game, alternating between chase and exploration on an unknown planet to recover your memory.



Mineral Blossom is a 3D action-adventure game. Play as Tori and rediscover the history of your people as you search for your memories. Explore the unique world of Mana, a planet unknown to you. Flee from the creatures that inhabit this world in thrilling, spellbinding chases.

Tori belongs to the Scire people, scientists whose goal is the evolution and understanding of the universe. Some of these people were sent to the planet Mana after observing a stream of energy emanating from the planet. Tori was born on the ship and raised to be a researcher and explorer on Mana. On one of his expeditions, his curiosity led him to awaken the planet, creating dangerously powerful creatures and exterminating almost all his people. As luck would have it, he survives after a landslide buries him, amnesic, and he sets out to explore and rediscover his people and Mana from a completely different point of view.

Mineral Blossom alternates between two different gameplay phases. Exploration of the map, in a semi-open world, accessible through technologies unlocked along the way, demonstrating a backtracking aspect to the game. Escape is the main aspect of the game. Tori flees from the creatures of this world in chases during which the camera is taken from the player's hands and staged. Accentuating and expressing the feelings and events of the escapes. Placing the player at the heart of an interactive film.

For your information, this project is a reworking of an earlier prototype produced in 2023 (for details, see here).

This page will be further enriched in the future.


We had the opportunity to present our project at an edition of Indie Game Night at the Shadok in Strasbourg.
Here's a replay


My role on this project won't change from the previous prototype. I'll continue to make the technical decisions concerning the systems to be developed. The proposed solutions will respect the rules and constraints of the Game Design Document. I'm responsible for distributing the work among the team of developers. My tasks will continue to be to develop the entire character and the related game mechanics.

In the meantime, here's a sneak preview of our new character:



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