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Maximilian Gonnet
by MaximilianGonnet on 8 May 2024

3D action-adventure game, alternating between a chase and exploration of an unknown planet to recover your memory.

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3D action-adventure game, alternating between a chase and exploration of an unknown planet to recover your memory.


Mineral Blossom is a 3D action-adventure game combining the frantic chases of Uncharted and the puzzles of The Last Guardian on a unique world.
You take on the role of a young boy, who has lost his memory, on an unfamiliar planet.
Discover new ecosystems and survive the creature chasing you. Alternate between stressful chases and peaceful exploration, and recover your memory to understand what's happened to you. 

- Engine: Unreal Engine 5 (Blueprint)
- Release date: June 23, 2023
- Platform: PC
- Team: 2 artists and 3 developers
- Project length: 2 months pre-production + 2 months production
- Context: 2nd year student project
- Collaboration with MAAAV (Lyon) for Music and SFX


My role on this project was to make technical decisions concerning the systems to be developed. The proposed solutions had to respect the rules and constraints of the Game Design Document. I was responsible for distributing the work among the team of developers. My tasks consisted in developing the entire character as well as the related game mechanics.


- Character movement (running, sprinting, jumping, crawling and crouching)
- Bidirectional climbing system (up and down)
- Tool for adding climbing walls to Level Design (with tiling)
- Interaction system
- Push or pull an object via interaction
- Puzzle system

- Destructible wall (Chaos) for cinematics + via interactions + via collisions
- Player death and respawn


- Standard animations for character movement
- Use of Root Motion for climbing

I loved working on this project. It was the first to become quite serious, and one in which we were free to test new engine features, such as Chaos or procedural animation for the monster. I learned a lot about how to manage animations for the character, but above all how to get a good Gamefeel from player feedback during playtest phases.

What's more, the whole team has decided to continue the project and give it a new look!

More details here


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