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I aways was attracted to the artistic world, first in drawing, then I discovered 3D with the movie Avatar (james Cameron) and i fell in love with it I choose to specialized in character Rigging, an option I am more at ease then the others (and because body's mecanism is incredible) I have some basic knowledge on modeling too . I'm currently on my 4 year of 3D school, I'll graduate this summer.

Hey there, I'm Leandro ! I'm currently a student at a 3D animation school, doing all i can to be the best character artist I can be. It's cliché, but for now the goal is Disney

In my childhood, my parents bought a DVD at the Futuroscope called "Imaginatrip Vol.4". I especially remember the short film "Oktapodi" by the student of Gobelins. I think I saw it about twenty times because I was so fascinated by its animation.

It's been 3 years that my daily life revolves around 3D

I've been a fan of video games and animated films since I was a kid, but it was in my last year of high school that I decided that I wanted to make it my job and my passion.

Visual effects enjoyer

When I watched my first animated film

I allways loved stories, animation ans art, after high school I realised that I could be part of this industries.

I have always been a fan of computer graphics and visual effects as well as the technologies behind these creative disciplines.

I love animation and previs, so I learn animation and previs

Star wars movies makes me want to work in cinema industry, and then i saw Avatar and get more and more interested about CGI and visual effect

J'ai toujours dessiné quand j'étais jeune et j'essayais toujours de retransmettre ce que j'avais dans la tête dans des projets, en me donnant à 100% alors naturellement je me suis tourner vers une école de 3d.

I figured that i wanted to work in creative industries in hight school

When I was a kid I wanted to be a vet but when I went to university in biology, I realised I needed something else. I wouldn't be happy being a vet all my life. The covid lockdown helped me realise what I like doing is things that are creative in general. It took me another year to realise I wanted to do 3D in particular.

I did realise I wanted to work in creative industries in 2023.

J'ai toujours été attirée par la création, j'ai commencé dès le lycée à m'y consacrer avec un bac STD2A.

I always had a passion for cinema and art in general, all this passion really grown up since 4 years when I entered in my first art school.

It was in May 2020 during the lockdown in France, I started to learn Blender with some tutorials on Youtube. 1 year after that I began to answer my self what I wanted to do after my college and quickly I decide to search 3D animation schools !

Since I was 13 I made my own creations. I started with some 3d intro on youtube and realised that I wanted to do better and more hoping that one day I'll work on movies.