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I've always wanted to create, to inspire in the same way that I get inspired: imagine my surprise when I learned people worked to make video games !

I always loved to draw when I was a kid, I started drawing lessons at a very young age. And I started to think about making my passion, a career when I discovered 3D at school. I instantly liked it !

When I was a kid, maybe 10 or 11, I was next to my best friend in class, and all we did was draw. The teacher scolded us and asked us what we were going to do later? I told him that one day I'd be a video game designer. This profession didn't really exist, by the way, I didn't even know if it was called that! Life turned me into an actor, and yet, today, I'm back studying in the same field that's been my dream since I was a kid. Working in video games.

Ever since I was in elementary school, I've been drawn to the idea of blending storytelling with drawing and music. Visualizing characters and watching them come to life in my mind or in my dreams, almost like scenes from a movie, motivates me to bring them into reality.

When I was in high school, I realized that I wanted to make my own stories by creating environment and animation in order to make my characters live their adventures. I stil want that goal to achieve and I'm working towards it.

I've always been interested in art, but I made differents works before joining my first 3D school. I'm also a photography enthusiast, I'm doing photography since I'm 11 years old. I think that some of animations movie from Dreamworks or Pixar gave me the passion of making images.

Hello, I'm Célia, a 22yo french Game Art and Design Student. I want to work in the game industry since I finished high school. I love to draw and create characters, universes, objects and environments. I also like to develop games even if I'm still a beginner.

I draw since I can remember, so I went to an art school and this is where I discovered 3D for the first time and really enjoyed it.

Immersed since childhood in several fields of art, my parents communicated to me their passion for comics, animated films and painting. After my first year in Design, I turned to 3D animation which allows me to express my universe and my imagination more spontaneously. Today in Master of 3D Animation, I fully exercise my passion by creating 3D projects with stylized to semi-realistic art direction.

J'ai baigné dans l'imaginaire de l'animation dès mon plus jeune âge, jonglant entre les dessins animés le midi et le soir après l'école et le cinéma en famille les week-ends. Les années ont passé et j'ai continué à regarder avec avidité toutes les séries animées qui ont pu croiser ma route et à m'en imprégner. Tous ces univers ne m'ont jamais vraiment quittée. Et mieux encore, j'ai décidé de prendre part à cette incroyable aventure qu'est l'animation.

Maybe I was born with a pencil, because from the time I remember, I always drew. I discovered the animation 2D later with my dad and his passion for cinema. And here I am.

I don't remember when I wanted to work in the industry. I just really like drawing things that are in my head and I just happened to be good at it too. So yeah I think this is a good carrier choice.

Im Ready to enter in to the world of work

Je dessine depuis que je peux tenir un crayon en main et j'adore créer des significations poignantes avec la couleur et les jeux de lumière des illustrations pour créer toute une ambiance. Sans parler de la composition qui est très importante, c'est super sympa de développer tout un univers rien qu'en produisant une création. Rechercher en parallèle le character design des personnages pour donner encore plus de vie aux illustrations est une expérience que j'adore développer en même temps.

I've always been passionate about creating interesting and entertaining pieces of content ! From illustrations to animations, my journey started about 6 years ago, and I've been working hard ever since to improve both my skills and creativity ! It is my dream to one day work on my own projects and share them with you all ! I enjoy Animating characters and faces, along with hand movements, to make my creations come to life and communicate emotions ! follow me on instagram : @corentin_artnimation

Since I'm in high school when I was playing games and I heard an interview with a game artist from Square Enix talking about his job and I really liked how they created their characters, environments, UI etc...

when i wasin high school

When i was in high school, i've always loved the industry but did not know about the careers or jobs. So i learned and discovered the careers and fell in love with the concept art. I worked really hard since then to become one and work for the industry i've always loved.

Cradled by French comics and Japanese animation, my love for cartoons came from my youngest age.

Je me suis intéressée très tôt à l’animation suite à un film qui m’a marqué lorsque j’étais enfant: « Brisby et le secret de NIMH » de Don Bluth’s. J’ai donc travaillé très dur de mon côté en expérimentant l’animation papier et mon style graphique. Je m’intéresse à tous ce qui concerne l’art en général. J’aime expérimenter et regarder ce que font mes consœurs et confrères et ainsi améliorer mon travail.

I realised that I wanted to work in the creative media thanks to Dreamworks movies.

I like to draw and watch cartoons.

When I discovered I could do something with my art (drawing at this point) and the possibility of the software + technical skills. Then I pushed to learn

Lorsque j'ai vu le film ''Spirit l'étalon des plaines'' quand j'étais enfant, je ne pensais pas que le domaine de l'animation me serait un jour accessible. Ce film est aujourd'hui encore mon préféré, il m'inspire à avancer dans le cinéma. Quand j'ai trouvé mon école j'ai tout de suite su que je ferais de l'animation dans ma vie.