View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
Teodor Ivanov - Environment Art Portfolio

Teodor Ivanov - Environment Art Portfolio

Teodor Ivanov
by soundbyquill and tiodorr on 1 Jun 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Hello! I am a third year student at BUAS and I'm thrilled to present to you my Rookies entry with my latest and most ambitious project. My big passion is creating 3D environments and I'm looking forward to the next big challenge!

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This is a personal project that I worked on for 4 months during my free time with focus on Hard Surface Modeling, Photogrammetry, Lighting and Composition. To supplement my scene and save time, I used premade assets from Quixel Megascans and Epic's Open World Demo Collection for the ground and surroundings in order to save time. The environment is designed to be playable and runs at 60fps+ .

For this project I collaborated with Quill Verhoeven, Sound Designer,, , who brought the scene to life with their amazing ambience. Also special thanks to Thomas Boeren for helping out with Unreal Engine 4 audio implementation.

Premade assets from Quixel Megascans and Epic's Open World Demo Collection.


Much of the initial blockout layout has retained until the final version.

I had the big honor to present my project on 80 Level and talk about more details and the challenges I had during this amazing, but tough journey.

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