View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024
 | Divine Worlds |

| Divine Worlds |

Ismar Suchov
by vyrosk on 27 May 2020 for Rookie Awards 2020

Hey and welcome ! My name is Ismar, I am 22 years old and currently an Illustration student at CG Spectrum. I want to become good at my craft to be able to have a place in the industry one day, so I will never stop striving for improvement. I hope you enjoy your stay.

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 | I N F E R N U M

The holy,

The divine,

Corruption within a blinded mind.

About this Illustration

The human mind and the complex facets of a culture influence our perception of a paradigm. The concept of an ideal to live by, can be the rise and fall of a single individual or a whole culture. I intentionally used strong symbolism through polarization of the "good" and the "evil". There is no good and evil, but we live by those concepts. Those concepts blind the individual from a greater perception , which is the reason why the figure on the ground with the sword is facing away from the evil which is about to consume him. Blindness and the radical glorification of anything narrows the view on something different, and it also influences your surroundings, no matter what the source of it is. I wanted to create tension between the other figures, which reach out to the main person, with the believe, that his action would influence their fate , even though they are the ones who are the fuel for keeping a certain perception alive. This creates some sort of duality between believe, action and the consequence.


I used a combination of different dynamic symmetry grids until I got something I thought what would work for this composition. It was a challenge to create a background which is not too distracting compared to the focal point of the piece. 

Detail Shots

| Silver for Monsters |

This piece was done for a Trading Card Assignment for my CG Spectrum course. Since I would love to make Trading Cards one day, I decided to draw Geralt from the Witcher games, created by CD Projekt Red. I enjoy the Gwent Illustrations a lot so I focused to achieve this realistic but still painterly look.  I learned a lot through the whole process since I played a lot with possible poses, backgrounds, palettes etc. I've put strong attention that the piece reads at a reduced size, so I worked with color contrasts and shapes to support the dynamic and frame the focal point.

| The Sacrifice | Scene I  |

Those were some Keyframe Illustrations for my Course. I wanted to create something dark and focused on the color psychology and the mood. As the Scene progresses, the colors decrease in their vibrancy to support the action within the scenes.

The Scene itself shows the ritual of a sacrifice of a sheep, which has been chosen because of the rare blue eye color and the spiritual power which is connected to the creature.

The Eyes of the sheep as an offering to the divine creatures above and within us, should lead us their eyes to open our minds.


For this Assignment, I had 7 days from start to finish, so I improved my time management and gave myself max. 2 days per Illustration.

Fun fact: I do own this shamanic robe by myself which was handcrafted by me.

The Path of Pain and Healing

Blood for the Living...

...Blood for the Dead...

...Blood for Forgiveness...

...For the ones who mislead us.

For Power

For Wisdom.

For The Hunter

For The Prey

For The Dream...

...within denial.

The drawn animals on the sheeps body stand for the quote above. The Bind Runes, drawn with coal have a meaning as well.

Coal as a symbol for something new to begin.

| The Sacrifice | Scene II |

This is the second batch of Keyframes which were done right after the first 3 were approved. They were created within 2 days total, so this was a very quick process.

| Other Personal Pieces |

In addition I added a few personal pieces, which I do to relax after Uni work.

I love working with dark moods and surreal aspects. Overall my Imagination is very distorted and flashy sometimes. Images seem to melt together and distort like a strong energy or void which is very hard to portray.

| Bugs |

I made a series of Bug Illustrations which will be continued as well.

I did one Bug per day.

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