View all the Finalists for Rookie Awards 2024


DATA, a contemplative 3rd person game, is the first project of our Master 2 year. Completed in 4 months, it presents the story of Frank, a nomadic robot discovering buried ruins on a desolate Earth.

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DATA, a contemplative 3rd person game, is the first project of our Master 2 year. Completed in 4 months,it presents the story of Frank, a nomadic robot discovering buried ruins on a desolate Earth.

The narrative and visual aspects of our game come from inspirations such as Love Death and Robot and Blade Runner 2049.

Character, tech artist : Armande Lecointre

Creature artist : Maxime Leroy

Environment artists : Alice Couderc, Vincent D'Andrea and Oscar Chalaux

Music by : Octave Roulleau-Thery

Main Character : Frank

Frank is a former military robot who, after the disappearance of humanity, took it upon himself to visit ancient human locations out of a simple fascination for this civilisation. Throughout his journey he collects various objects that he carries with him.

The librarian : M1-K

M1-K is the old librarian who served the place before the disappearance of humanity. Deactivated during a landslide, she comes back to life during Frank's visit. Now alone, she will tirelessly continue to maintain this relic of humanity.

Environment : Hallway

This is the main hall of the library. Now Destroyed and damaged by hundreds of years, It's up to Frank to discover all its secrets and remnants of a past life.


On a futuristic earth, this library was equipped with a librarian robot that helped the public and organised the place. Many years later, Frank discovers what remains of the place. Despite being buried in sand, it still holds up under Frank's feet.

Breakdown :

Frank :

M1-K :

Environment Travelings :

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