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Stampede: Racing Royal

Stampede: Racing Royal

Dawid Michalski
by LordDawidI on 26 May 2024

Stampede: Racing Royal I was assigned to design a go-kart, character and stickers for the existing IP as a part of my University module. Since the game is currently out to playtest on Steam I had to follow rules that were already established, which wasn't the easiest. The main inspiration for this project was Roman

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Stampede: Racing Royal

I was assigned to design a go-kart, character and stickers for the existing IP as a part of my University module.

Since the game is currently out to playtest on Steam I had to follow rules that were already established, which wasn't the easiest.

The main inspiration for this project was Roman gladiators and the chariots for the go-kart.

It was quite a challenging task, but fun at the same time.

Thank you Staffordshire University and Sumo Digital for this opportunity.

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