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Twin Tree Glade

Twin Tree Glade

Gabriela Harper Sherwood
by GabrielaSherwood on 23 May 2024

I am finishing up my final year studying a degree in Concept Art for Games and Film at Staffordshire University and this year gave me the chance to create Twin Tree Glade as my Final Year Project. A magical world only few can enter, with mystical and magical shops and so much more sure to delight.

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My name is Gabi Sherwood, originally I am from South Africa but 6 years ago I moved to the UK and 3 years after that I learned about my dream job I never knew existed.

This led me to where I am now, just finishing up my final year studying Concept Art for Games and Film at Staffordshire University!

Join me and step into the world of Twin Tree Glade.

Welcome to my project. 

Fantasy, magic, and nature themes are what appear most in my work and is why I chose these as the driving forces behind this, my final year project!

Throughout the project I went through many iterations of all asset designs as I wanted all details of the world to be designed with care and intent.

Always keeping in mind my key themes. Nature and Magic.

I wanted to show that nature and magic work together to build this world.

Welcome to the Witches Brew Cafe.

A place were you can buy magical brews made to order from your friendly local witch. Feeling unlucky? Perhaps try the clover infused brew sure to change your fortunes!

Running low on potion supplies?

Why not head on over to Crystal Collective! They are sure to have just what you are looking for.

This painterly style was key to bringing this project to life and rendering pieces like these helped establish the visual direction for the project. 

A big style inspiration for me was the Studio Ghibli films as I just love their environments and backgrounds and they just perfectly capture the whimsy and wonder in their scenes!

Thank you so much for taking a journey with my into Twin Tree Glade.

I hope you enjoyed my project as much as I enjoyed working on it.

I am so grateful to have been able to work on a project like this as part of my final year and I can't thank my supervisor enough for her thoughtful and kind guidance throughout. 

I do plan to further expand this project in the future so please do feel free to check me out on any of these platforms to keep up with this project as well as all my other work.




Email: [email protected]

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