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Hope ✨

Hope ✨

Mahdi Yasini
by G3dArt on 22 May 2024

Check out my recent work. I was inpired by an amazing concept art from Faye Hsu to start working on this project. I hope you enjoy it. Cheers!

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Hope ✨

In ZBrush, I began by modeling the concept through base blockouts, refining them into the final shapes. The hands presented the biggest challenge. However, using ZSpheres for their base shapes significantly simplified the process, making it far easier than I anticipated.

Having completed the initial sculpt in ZBrush, I used the Decimation Master plugin to prepare the model for retopology. Employing different viewport colors for the main edgeloops and areas significantly streamlined the process. As this was my first attempt at retopologizing hands, it involved numerous refinements, but the experience proved invaluable.

Following retopology and UV layout, I imported the model into Substance Painter for texturing. I began with the base color and specular maps, utilizing ACES tone mapping to achieve excellent results in visualizing the material properties.

Transitioning to Maya and Arnold for the first time for look development, lighting, and rendering presented a unique learning experience. Overcoming initial technical hurdles through research (such as YouTube tutorials) ultimately proved rewarding, as the final render successfully captured my artistic vision.

To refine the raw render, I utilized light group passes alongside material AOVs exported from Maya. This granular control allowed for targeted adjustments during compositing. Additionally, I documented the process by exporting changes at each stage, creating a clear breakdown for future reference.

The Final Render

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