Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
RigB Animation
  Play by Play

RigB Animation

Esther Magowan
by Estasha on 12 Apr 2023

This was an animation I made that I was originally going to enter into the RigB contest but I ended up not giving myself enough time to complete it to the quality I wanted it at.

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Update - 12 Apr 2023

This was the animation I planned on using for the RigB competition. Unfortunately,  I was unable to complete it in time. So I plan on using it as an experience and making the animation much smoother and timed better. I also want to add more to the end of my animation- such as the robots boxing. This is because I based them on the "Rock 'Em Sock 'Em" vintage toys with boxing robots. My idea was to have the robots dance together and then box just like the classic game. 

During the animation, I would change my controller's orientation depending on how I needed something to move and what worked better. 

I took pinning on and off depending on what I needed to stay in place- I usually used this for the feet, e.g. I wanted to move the body to make it look like weight was being put on the foot- without this foot going into the floor- I would pin it to avoid this. 

I filmed my own references and also used some I found online so that I could try and get my positions and timings right for the animation. 

I added some basic geometry to look like a wrestling ring to replicate the toy. I also added a skydome from PolyHaven to give me lighting I thought worked best. I changed the robots materials and add basic colours to represent the toys as well. 

I fixed some of the timing using the animation graph editor as well as the timeline below- here I would grab keys and drag them closer together or further apart depending how fast I wanted an action to play out. 

To save time during animation I made both robots buttons that selected all their controls at once. This helped me save time keyframing since I didn't have to keep selecting them all and avoiding any issues of accidentally not selecting one. 

This was a low-quality render I did to test the animation. 

This was a higher-quality render test I did to look at how everything looked together. I originally planned to use this as my entry for the RigB contest but decided to continue to work on it to make it look how I want it to. 

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