Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
The Animal Shrine

The Animal Shrine

Peter Dimitrov
by peterdimitrov on 21 Feb 2019

Challenge entry created from scratch in 2 months. Topic of the competition was Feudal Japan. I decided to create this animal shrine and try to tell a fantasy story through some statues and a calligraphers workshop.

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The Animal Shrine - Artstation Feudal Japan Challenge

For the challenge, contenders were allowed a deadline of only 2 months. As rules in the competition go, I haven't used any resources for this. Everything you see is created from scratch, by me.

This is the first project of this scale I do in 3D. Competition was fierce and the challenge is full of amazing artists with years and years of experience making art like this. I worked every single day through the given period. I hope that my work stands good against the rest of the lovely projects.

I animated and recorded a showcase video, trying not only to showcase the project, but to tell a story of sorts through it.

Through the making of it, I took about 650 screenshots in Unreal. I assembled them in a development video. Whilst making the project, everyone was asked to keep a blog about it too. You can read mine over at Artstation for more insight:

I was given the opportunity to write a breakdown article over at Check it out to read my reflections on the project for those 2 months of creating it.

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