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Growing up in an artistic household where a family member did art constantly around me, I was influenced at a very young age. It was only in 2010 when I watched How To Train Your Dragon, did I start wanting to officially be part of the creative world. In my first year of studying at The Animation School, I started to know what medium I liked and what part of the creative world I wanted to be part of.

Halfway through high school I discovered a love for art and animation.

I come from a family of storytellers and there is nothing I love more than creating characters and environments before bringing them to life!

When I was 14 my brother, who is a first year lecturer at The Animation School, introduced me to the amazing world of animation.

I am a junior 3D asset creator, art history lover and enthusiastic, creative person. I am fascinated by visual storytelling, both literal and conceptual. Learning every part of the animation pipeline in addition to multimedia design has been a delightful and enriching educational experience.

I've always known I wanted to be an artist of some sort, but discovering where exactly I fit into the creative industry has been a lengthy journey. Whilst I'd started dreaming of working in the animation industry during high school, I was completely unaware of the actual career paths you could take and my uncertainty led me to pursue something more general. I studied and worked as a graphic designer until, in 2020, I decided I needed to try and pursue a career in animation.

When I was asked what I wanted to do when I finished secondary education. I stated that all I know is that drawing and creating is something that brings me joy. Bringing joy to others makes me the most happiest too. So I combined service with my passion and resulted in this path today. I also grew up playing metal slug, world of warcraft and watching final fantasy. I just want to be part of a world I love and share it with other people so that it moves them in anyway,form and mood.

I starting playing games when i was 6 years old when my sister got a PlayStation 1 with her phone for Christmas, playing games like Crash Bandicoot and Tarzan and I haven't stopped since . Now I'm currently working as a 3D Artist for a small little ad studio , but I work on my portfolio after hours making game characters and collaborating with my friends.

Ever since my obsession with watching behind the scenes footages of Shrek 3 on DVD and later watching the behind the scenes of my favourite movies, I knew I had a passion for this field. Now nearing the end of my studies I am hoping to work on a project where behind the scenes footage can be viewed on something I was excited to be part of

I first realized I wanted to work in the creative industries in high school

I went to a panel hosted by Women In Animation when I was 19. I was rapt by the passion they had for their craft and felt more than I ever had before that these were my people, artists and storytellers like this! Since then I've made it my mission to become a successful pre production artist in the fantastic world of animation and filmmaking.

When I was in primary school I already loved art, but after being able to choose my subjects in high school and had taken art and design- I had fallen even more in love.

I've always been enticed by animation from a young age and as I got into Highschool, I realized I wasn't just in love with the medium, but also the craft.

I had a very strong visual imagination and love for story. Joining the creative industry gives me the passion and the career I always dreamed of.

While I was discussing universities with my mom while she had a friend over and her friend suggested I go into animation as she had seen my art before and I was wanting to do something with technology. I looked into it as I had no idea that was an option and instantly knew it was what I wanted to do and have loved every second since.

I've always dreamed of working in the creative field, but it wasn't until high school, that it became a cemented goal for me to contribute towards creating interesting stories of substance and meaning.

Ever since I was a young age I've been creatively inclined and my biggest passion was illustrating concepts to life. I was introduced into the world of animation in high school, and from there I was captivated. I worked hard and refined my skills to get into The Animation School. This was a huge stepping point for myself as a creative as it opened the door to creative studios and industries. I'm currently working full-time on a game project and I look forward to what the future holds.

I realised this could be a career in my second year of high school. Since then I have been working hard to improve my skills and achieve that goal.

I have always been interested in the arts and during high school decided I wanted to work on animated films and shows.

Since I was a young, I always wanted to work in a creative field, but it was hard to find the right one. In highschool, i realized that the CG and entertainment industry was perfect to keep that creativity and do something meaningful, as this industry is constantly expanding.

When I was 12 years old I was first faced with the question "what do you want to be one day?", and I would always respond with "artist". As I got older and realised there are so many different kinds of artists I discovered the art of Animation and CG through a random careers day. Ever since then I have enjoyed exploring the world of animation and learning about all the different parts of the pipeline.

As a child, I had a Tom and Jerry DVD. I remember that I would watch it almost religiously, there was just something about the way the characters moved so effortlessly that I just fell in love with animation. Since then I would always watch the "Making of" of every animated film and game that I had. Even though it should have been obvious that the field was for me it took me all the way until I was 16 to realize that I could actually be part of animation as a career, and now I love every minute.