Rookie Awards 2024 - Open for Entries!
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I realised that I want to work in the Games industry just after school when it kicked in that all my life I am already around the games. I started from Counter-Strike video editing, where I would sync weapon shots to the music, try to create artistic cinematics. This is what really woke me up that I really enjoy being an artist and I love to create everything related to games.

I first realized my passion for working in the creative industries as a teenager when I began exploring different aspects of the film industry, such as acting and scripting. After taking various courses and participating in events, I discovered that my true dream was to become a VFX artist. This realization was what prompted me to move from Romania to the UK to pursue my studies and pursue my creative goals.

2 years ago i was a Graphic Designer and i wanted to be a VFX Artist which currently i am now, however throughout those years i got inspired by other artist's with in 3D from youtube and movies, which enabled me to work in the film industry. Because i got inspired from these developed artists with in movies, it got me to thrive into developing something extraordinary to share, and use those skills in the industry.