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I have always loved video games and movies. But it was first until I discovered that there was an education teaching 3D here in my capital of Copenhagen, that I just had to apply. I just feel right at home when I'm working with 3D softwares. I love it.

i started being interested in the entertainment industry, when i first saw Avatar the movie at the age of 9

As a trained mechanic in my early days, I didn’t gave the entertainment industry much thought, even knowing it existed. I quickly realized that the life of a mechanic wasn’t for me - there was no spark and I was not going to be happy. I started my journey to find out what makes me happy. After 1,5 year going trough various digital fields I stumbled upon Truemax and the world of 3D - My first introduction was in 3ds max and I have never looked back! I found what makes me happy.

From an early age I’ve been playing around with digital arts, in programs such as photoshop and Cinema 4D. In high school I realized I wanted to pursue a creative career and have not looked back since.

I always knew it, I think. As a child, I dreamed of being immersed in the games I played. As I grew older, I realized that participating in those games would bring me true happiness.

Creativity has always been my go-to when it comes to expressing myself and finding joy in life. The videogame industry speaks to me because it's a rich way to tell stories and connect with other people during that process - it also always brings out new challenges, which I love.

Since I was really young I just did not have the courage to take that journey until now.

I always knew I wanted to be in the game industrie for as long as I can remember. But it really wasn't before studying computer science that I found out that it was the more creative/visual way i wanted to persue.

Two years ago I realised that I wanted to see my drawings come to life. Thus began my adventure in 3D.

Art has been my passion since I can remember. Since highschool I lacked a proper art community and when I realised many years ago that people were drawing and designing for movies and games my eyes opened. All I knew was, that I had always been sketching, drawing and designing and I should continue to do so to the best of my ability. I have picked up some different skills and 3D softwares along the way

I always had a creative mind, and at the age of 17 i saw some kind of documentary with 3D Studio Max on television and i just loved the idea to be able to create whatever i wished. And like many other kids i was into computer games and thought that it would be cool one day to be able to create games that others could enjoy, learn from or even tell my own stories.

I used to work as a web designer, but lost the passion for it, since I felt it wasn't creative enough. I've always been so fascinated with all the VFX in the movies, which made me seek in that direction! I started at Truemax Academy and got introduced to the CG pipeline, and quickly realised that compositing is where my passion is!

I've been writing stories ever since I learned how to spell. My passion for bringing characters and worlds to life only advanced further when I was captivated by video games and, especially, animated films. I've always been fueled by a strong desire to learn, create and express myself through all artistic endeavours.

I've for a long time done 3D work on and off, but about a year ago now, I realized that I wanted to pursue this as a career path. I've been going to uni for half a year now, and I'm very focused on improvement and branching out and learning as much as possible. I'm focused and will do what it takes to get there.

I realized when I was 8 years old that I wanted to work creatively. I excelled in all visual and creative assignments and I very much enjoyed it as well. Since then I have attended multiple creative schools and am now an educated graphic designer and just enrolled at CADA Truemax to become a 3D digital artist

Cuando decidi ser la mejor rigger del universo. Viva rigging

I've always loved games, so in middle school when I realised that game design and game art was a possible career choice, I've been working towards that goal ever since! An Animator working on League of Legends was the one who inspired me to pursue Animation.

I have always known I wanted to work with something creative, I just didn't know what, but when I was a teenager i started to really love movies and animated movies have always had a special place in my heart so when i later had to find out what i want to do, and saw that i was able to study 3d animation i applied immediately and it has been the best decision ever.

I have always loved the finesse that the animators used when they were creating the 2D/3D movies from my childhood. Even as a newborn the only way my parents could calm me down or get me to sleep - or just plainly entertain me, was to put on a animated movie. Maybe it was the way the characters spoke throughout their actions and movements that made an imprint on me. Ever since then it has always inspired me to tell stories with my own creations.