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Desde pequeño, siempre me ha llamado el mundo de la animación y los videojuegos. Y conforme iba creciendo e informándome más, me di cuenta de que no solo este mundillo me gustaba, sino que vi que era muy grande y con muchas ramas laborales. Es quise indagar más y actualmente me encuentro estudiando el último año de un grado superior de animación 3D, videojuegos y entornos interactivos.

In 2019 I began to become interested in digital art and began to teach myself how to use Photoshop. Later, I showed a great interest in animation and visual effects so I decided to start studying what interested me so much. I am currently studying and every day I am more excited to learn and investigate about this world.

When I was in school I was already interested in video games and once I finished high school and had to decide what to study, I opted for what I liked the most.

I started a degree at university but in fact it didn’t make me happy at all. I started drawing after that and i developed a huge passion for art, so i investigated and found some 3D courses in my town. I learned 3D modeling, texturing, rigging, animation and a little of vfx.

Since i was a boy, i've been always drawing and having the dream of creating my own art and give it life. And a few years ago, i decided to take it more profesionally.

When I was in high school I signed up with some friends to an academy where I learned the basics about programming, modeling and game design, since then I began to love everything related to modeling and programming video games.

I've always enjoyed animated films and video games, and when the time came for me to decide my future career, the creation of games and animation became something I could studying and not only admire.

I have always been interested in art growing up, and the past few years I decided to focus on designing characters and learning how to pursue it as a career.

I wanted to work in creative since really young, can't even remember.

I have always liked everything related to art. When I was little I got involved in all the extracurricular activities that had to do with it. Then I went more into programming and that's why I got into video games. But I love 3D, VFX and motion graphics. Anything that has to do with art and has some meaning I like.

When I was in high school, I've been studying in the arts speciality at my high school and I realised how much I liked arts, specifically the audiovisual industry.

My passion for the creative industry has been a constant through my life and despite liking so many aspects of it or maybe because of it I had a really hard time deciding a definitive career choice. I first decided to study computer science so I can maybe be part of the creation of videogame as a programmer. But that didn't really was what I wanted. At my second year of college I decided to follow a more artist approach with formal education, though I'm severely lacking I intend to keep growing.

Since I was eight years old, I began to develop a passion for reading, and soon I discovered that writing was my greatest hobby. In the novels, stories, and tales I wrote, I found an infinity of worlds governed solely and exclusively by the rules I chose to invent. Wonderful worlds that fueled the voracious creativity that always characterized me.

Before I started studying another science career, but I realise that it wasn't the type of work I wanted to do, so I have begun this new career in animation.  I like this typo of work that is different every time, needs imagination, and you can do it in different stiles.

Hace años cuando descubrí que podría trabajar de mi arte y creatividad.

Toda mi vida he sido muy observador y curioso, me gusta saber el por qué las cosas y qué puede aportar eso a mis intereses personales, por lo que nunca dejaré de aprender algo nuevo y es lo que de verdad necesito, una comunidad creativa de la que sustraer infinidad de conocimientos.

I started playing videogames when I was a little kid and realised I wanted to be part of the devellopment of theese, started learning art and drawing on my own and then studing in university for profesional use

I love creating characters and stories, and learning how to get them out of my head, how to make them real, with art, made me want to know more and work with that.

Around two years ago I started learning by myself Photoshop, and I enjoyed creating compositions with it. Some time later I started using Premiere Pro and then Blender. That's how I started to realize that I really liked this industry and wanted to work in it, besides the fact that I always liked playing videogames and the art behind it. With those two things in mind I decided that I wanted to work on a creative industry, wether cinema or videogames.